{Article} What's Fear Got to Do With Being Overweight? Everything!

Published: Tue, 07/25/17

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Hi ,

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
  —Les Brown

What's fear got to do with being overweight?


Many of us use overeating, dieting, and weight obsession as a way of avoiding and facing our deepest fears. As long as all our life energy is tied up in this problem, including all the negative emotions that go along with it, we don't have to take the risks and actions that would improve our lives.

Many of us have gotten quite cozy in our ruts, and though they don't exactly make us happy, they are far better than venturing out into unknown territory.

Who knows what we might find there? As the saying goes, “The devil we know is better than the devil we don't know.”

Often, we project our fears into the future where they seem really big and scary. The problem is most of these things never happen. Fear is manageable as long as we stay in the present.

All we need to do is take baby steps forward, and as we walk through fear, we find it goes poof! It dissipates and then disappears. And we wonder why we made such a big deal over it!

Some of us don't even know we're afraid. Fear has many faces. Some of these related to being overweight are: fear of change and the unknown, fear of making mistakes, fear of being attractive, fear of intimacy, fear of one's sexuality, fear of people's envy and jealously, fear of being abandoned, fear of being happy, fear of regaining the weight all back, fear of success, and fear of rejection and failure.


Fear wears many disguises. Some of these are laziness, procrastination, excuses, perfectionism, avoidance, and self-sabotage. These all involve plenty of fear.  What do some of these look like in real life?

1. You tell yourself you will start when _________ happens. Of course, it never does.

2. You tell yourself it's going to be way too much work and you don't start.

3. You may set the bar so high that you're terrified of failing, so you don't start.

4. You tell yourself it's going to be way too time consuming and you don't have that kind of time.

5. You're afraid to make mistakes and as soon as you make one or have a setback, you quit.

6. You do really well for awhile, but you're afraid of failing or being successful, so you begin to self-sabotage by overeating.

7. You're really afraid to do the things you say you'll do once you lose weight, so as you get close to realizing your goal, you overeat and begin to backslide.

8. You don't try again because you've many times before and failed, and why is this time going to be any different?

When you allow fear to run your life, you're aligned with and living your fears and not your dreams. How sad! This is your one and only life.

Do you want to inspire others by your example?

Or do you want to live with regret about how you've surrendered to fear, and therefore hid from life?

It's your choice.

I hope you choose life!

My wish for you is to live fearlessly and fabulously! Let nothing hold you back, especially your weight. Don't let that become your excuse for an unlived life. Get out there and live large!





Are you an awesome executor of excuses? Are you the Queen or King of Self-Sabotage? Or a Cowardly Lion or Lioness? Ready to live your one and only precious life? Master your weight problem and you can master your life!  

How you do food is how you do life!®

Contact me. I offer a free consultation. 

Catherine L. Taylor



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