How Meditation Can Help You Lose Weight

Published: Tue, 08/15/17

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Hi ,

To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and the solutions.
~ Deepak Chopra

Meditation is about getting still. It is only in the stillness that we can get in touch with who we really are. Our soul speaks to us in whispers. It communicates in the form of ideas, dreams, longings, and images. We may have become such an expert at ignoring these that we don’t even notice them. But they are there. Our lives cannot turn out properly if we don’t listen to ourselves, heed our own wisdom, and follow the promptings of our hearts.

Sadly, over the years, I’ve learned that many people will do just about anything to avoid themselves. And certainly, eating is a way to escape yourself.

How many times have you tried to escape what you were feeling or what was happening in your life by overeating? What if you could meet the moment without trying to hold on to it, escape it, or push it away?

This is what true freedom around food or in life is all about. How you do food is how you do life. It’s about meeting life head on - life on life’s terms - without wanting or needing the moment to be different than it is.

This is the gift that meditation gives you. Meditation brings you fully into the present moment.  

Those of us who eat compulsively, do so out of reactivity. Reactivity is when thoughts, emotions, and body sensations are channeled into behavior. Compulsive overeating and binge eating is a way to regulate emotions like boredom, anger, sadness, anxiety, and even happiness.


Meditation creates a spaciousness around your thoughts which greatly reduces reactivity. Consistent meditators also report far less negativity. Meditation itself is a way to release this negativity.

One of the greatest gifts of meditation is that you learn that you aren’t your thoughts. Most people believe they are their thoughts and they believe their thoughts are true. They wander through life on autopilot and are often victims of their own negative minds.

In meditation, you discover your mind is like a vast clear sky. Your thoughts are simply clouds passing through that sky. You can either let them pass by or you can jump on them and go for a ride. Attaching to thoughts causes suffering.

Reality itself is completely neutral. It’s our thoughts about reality that causes our suffering. The more we meditate and learn to detach from our thoughts, the easier it is to let go of the thoughts that bring us suffering, including the thoughts about ourselves and our lives that cause us to react and overeat.

A consistent meditation practice brings a peaceful, calm centeredness that you bring into the rest of your life. Ultimately, life becomes your meditation.

It’s only through experiencing consistent stillness that you get in touch with your inner wisdom. There is an infinite source of wisdom within you, but it is beyond the chatter of the ego mind. Accessing this deeper wisdom if life changing because you learn that what you’ve been seeking in the outer world, has been within you all along. Sadly, due to fear of being alone with themselves, most people never access this place.

When my clients begin to meditate consistently, their overeating often calms way down. It’s because they’re being fed from within. Once you have access and familiarity to your inner world, you can begin to create an inner sanctuary - an internal state and place that is safe and nourishing - a place you will want to return again and again. Once this nourishing place is established within you, emotional eating will begin to lose its stronghold in your life.

Are you ready to try meditation?

Here is a link to a great sampler of meditations on YouTube. I like the fact that they’re short and each one is different. People responds differently to different types of meditations. Hopefully, you will find one that you like.

I suggest getting up a bit early and spending 10 minutes a day for a week and see how you feel. Meditation is a great gift to yourself and a wonderful way to start your day.


 Catherine L. Taylor

 P. S. If you're ready to make peace with food, I'd love to be your guide. How you do food is how you do life!
 Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

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