Are You Wearing Your Feelings?

Published: Tue, 09/05/17

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​Hello ,

As a coach who has worked with hundreds of women who emotionally eat for over a decade, one of the things that stands out for me is that most of the women I work with either don't know what they're feeling, or if they do, instead of dealing with it in a constructive manner, they stuff their feelings down with food. 

​​​​​​​Karla McLaren, author of The Language of Emotions, has done extensive research and work on the difference between feelings and emotions.

She says, “The difference between a feeling and an emotion is the difference between having and knowing.”

“An emotion is a physiological experience (or state of awareness) that gives you information about the world, and a feeling is your conscious awareness of the emotion itself.” 

Many people are disconnected from their emotions and therefore don’t really know what they’re feeling.  They don’t realize that they’re anxious, sad, lonely, afraid, or even angry. Their behavior may show others that they’re angry or sad, but they aren’t aware of it on a conscious level. Someone else may say to them, “You seem really sad.” And then they’ll realize, “Oh, yeah. I’m sad about my dog dying.”

So, the emotion is there, but for some reason the person doesn’t feel it. They’re disconnected from it.

This is really common amongst people who use food to regulate or avoid their feelings. They are often anxious or feeling some other emotion but not really aware of it because as soon as they might feel a twinge of unease, they use food to stuff down or numb that awareness.

I’ve had clients tell me, after they’ve begun to abstain from overeating, “Wow, Catherine. I had no idea I was such an anxious, sad, or angry person until I stopped eating.”

What you feel, you can heal and releasing and learning to identify and process feelings can allow you to finally let go of food as a coping mechanism once and for all. 

In my upcoming "How You do Food is How You do Life" Group Coaching Program, which starts Thursday September 21st, we devote an entire session to the world of feelings and look at ways to identify and process them. 

This course is a 12 week deep dive into healing the roots of emotional overeating. It teaches intuitive or mindful eating, how to create a self-care routine, and it's jam packed with tools to let go of limiting patterns, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings around food and weight.

I have updated this course with lots of new information. This course is also a way of letting go of dieting and encourages a natural weight loss at a pace that your body can sustain. 

The course is $297 if you register early by September 16th. After that, the cost is $397. 

As an added bonus, it includes 2 private coaching sessions with me, a $175 value, so that you can personalize the material to your own needs and get personal support and attention from me which allows for an even deeper experience. 

You can find more info and sign up here. 


Catherine L. Taylor

 P. S. If you're ready to make peace with food, I'd love to be your guide. How you do food is how you do life!
 Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

The Law of Attraction for Weight Loss
Audio Course 

Do you love the law of attraction but are confused about how to use it for weight loss?

Have all your efforts at manifesting weight loss produced little results?

Are you unsure how or where to focus to produce the results you're looking for?

This self-paced audio course (no actual cds) takes the law of attraction and gives you easy methods to apply the law in a way that will get results. It takes you step by step into a process that will help you manifest results in no tim

Join My Free Mindful Eating Community!
Let's face it, it's hard to stay motivated and focused. That's why I created my new "How You do Food is How You do Life" Facebook Community. 

It's there to give you daily support and motivation, and to give you the daily reminders you need to keep you focused. 

It’s free to join and there you will meet people like yourself who are trying to get healthy and lose weight without dieting.

I hope you will join us!

You can join here.


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