Why Nice Girls Get Fat!

Published: Tue, 09/12/17

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​Hello ,

In our society, what often passes as "nice" in women is often passivity, compliancy, people pleasing, and martyrdom. Women who are assertive and more vocal with their opinions are often labeled bitches, even though they aren't being mean or acting with malice.

There's a good reason why nice girls often finish last and/or get fat. The woman with a good strong bitch inside of her can navigate the world better. She knows what she wants and can be direct in asking and getting it. She's not going to passively wait around expecting somebody to hand it to her, say yes when she means no, and she's not going to tolerate a lot of BS and abuse, whether emotional or physical.

A good bitch is a woman who knows her worth and can stand up for herself. A bad bitch is all about manipulation: she's mean, and uses and steps all over people to get what she wants. Every woman needs to develop her good bitch. In some circles, it's called a backbone.
Do you say yes when you mean no? Are you afraid of disapproval? Many people, especially women, are overscheduled because they can't say no when asked to take on more than they can handle. This leads to feelings of resentment and overwhelm which in turn leads to overeating. It’s also very hard to schedule any “me” time if you’re overscheduled. Self-care and stress management are essential to any good weight loss and/or emotional eating program.

People pleasing and approval seeking are two of the main reasons why women fear to assert themselves. To be true to yourself, you have to let go of the need for others' approval and if you’ve been brought up to put other people’s happiness before your own, this can be a tough thing to do.

Do you say yes when you mean no? Has this lead to resentment, overwhelm, and overeating?

If so, start practicing your right to say no. To get some practice, start with little things that don’t have major consequences. Then begin to say no to more important things that you don’t really want to do. Yes, you may ruffle some feathers. After all, if you’ve been saying yes too much, that’s what people begin to expect of you. We train others how to treat us.

So, begin to say no when needed, let the chips fall where they may, and hopefully they will stay away from your hips!


I exercise my right to say no.

I'm excited to be offering my first free teleseminar on Weds., Sept. 13th. See below for details!


Catherine L. Taylor

 P. S. If you're ready to make peace with food, I'd love to be your guide. How you do food is how you do life!
 Contact me. I offer a free consultation!
Free Teleseminar on Weds. Sept. 13th 
10:00 AM PST/1:00 PM EST

Food and weight issues are a calling to wholeness and integration of the mind/body and spirit.


Learn how lack of self-acceptance creates struggle, self-sabotage, and resistance to moving forward.

Find out how to create a shift that lets go of the struggle and allows for deep transformation to occur.

Discover how mindfulness can allow you to find peace in the "here and now" and help you make positive choices that support your mind/body/and spirit.

Learn why positive thinking ultimately doesn't work. Learn about core beliefs and how they make or break your success along the journey.

Discover the major core belief that keeps people stuck in the dieting/food sabotage cycle and learn how to release and replace that belief with one that is life affirming and empowering. This releases self-defeating behaviors with food.

This is not a pre-recorded training. Join Catherine L. Taylor live this Wednesday and she'll answer your questions about this training and her upcoming telecoaching series which this mini workshop is based on.

If you can't make it, there will be a replay available to people who sign up!

Sign Up Before September 16th and Save $100!

This course is a 12 week deep dive into healing the roots of emotional overeating. It teaches intuitive or mindful eating, how to create a self-care routine, and it's jam packed with tools to let go of limiting patterns, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and self-sabotage around food and weight.

I have updated this course with lots of new information. This course is also a way of letting go of dieting and encourages a natural weight loss at a pace that your body can sustain. 

The course is $297 if you register early by September 16th. After that, the cost is $397. 

As an added bonus, it includes 2 private coaching sessions with me, a $185 value, so that you can personalize the material to your own needs and get personal support and attention from me which allows for an even deeper experience. 

You can find more info and sign up here. 

If you want to talk to me personally to answer any questions before signing up: Contact me. I offer a free consultation!


There is also a self-paced home study version of this course. You listen to this course at your leisure. There are no live sessions and no private coaching sessions with me.

The cost is $197.


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© Copyright 2017. Catherine L. Taylor. All rights reserved.​