How to Practice Self-Love

Published: Tue, 09/26/17

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​Hello ,

If you are longing for words of praise, validation and encouragement, begin to tell yourself those things daily. You will bloom in the loving environment you create for yourself.

— Catherine L. Taylor

Self-love is a choice. It’s a series of decisions that you make daily. It won’t feel natural at first, that’s why you must fake it until you make it. It starts with the decision each day to feel good and be happy. If you’re going through bad times or having a bad day, ask yourself, “What can I do to make myself feel better today?” And then choose something that’s life affirming and self-nurturing. It’s as simple as that.

Self- love is a verb. How you treat yourself reveals all. Self-love is revealed in your self-talk and how you pay attention to and care for yourself. Do you neglect, criticize, and tear yourself down? Or do you build yourself up with kind and encouraging thoughts, words, and deeds?

Many people don’t want the responsibility that self-love and self-care entails. They would rather play the victim and make other people responsible for their happiness. As long as they can play the victim or blame game, they don’t have to take action and be responsible for their actions.


Many people see happiness as something outside of themselves. They think they will be happy when certain conditions are met, such as losing weight, or when others behave towards them the way they want them to.



Happiness is a choice and must be made daily. It comes from within. It’s an attitude and a habit that must be continually cultivated and practiced, just like self-love.

The most courageous decision you can make is the decision to be happy right now. All that you are seeking will come from this.

You can’t hate your way into a better body. Self-love and self-acceptance create the fertile soil of self-transformation. When you build your body on the solid foundation of self-love, the results will be long lasting.

What are you going to do this week to show love and care for yourself?

Ready to learn how to put self-care and self-love into a daily practice? 

You can learn from me privately, or you can learn how to create a self-care practice in my 12 week group coaching course. It's not too late to join! See

below for more details!


Catherine L. Taylor

 P. S. If you're ready to make peace with food, I'd love to be your guide. How you do food is how you do life!
 Contact me. I offer a free consultation!
Sign Up Before September 16th and Save $100!
This course started last Thursday but there is still time and room to sign up! You can listen to the 1st session recording and the next session isn't until October 5th. Assignments and handouts are given weekly. 

This course is a 12 week deep dive into healing the roots of emotional overeating. It teaches intuitive or mindful eating, how to create a self-care routine, and it's jam packed with tools to let go of limiting patterns, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and self-sabotage around food and weight.

I have updated this course with lots of new information. This course is also a way of letting go of dieting and encourages a natural weight loss at a pace that your body can sustain. 

The course is $297. 

As an added bonus, it includes 2 private coaching sessions with me, a $185 value, so that you can personalize the material to your own needs and get personal support and attention from me which allows for an even deeper experience. 

You can find more info and sign up here. 

If you want to talk to me personally to answer any questions before signing up: Contact me. I offer a free consultation!


There is also a self-paced home study version of this course. You listen to this course at your leisure. There are no live sessions and no private coaching sessions with me.

The cost is $197.

The Law of Attraction for Weight Loss
Audio Course 


Do you love the law of attraction but are confused about how to use it for weight loss?

Have all your efforts at manifesting weight loss produced little results?

Are you unsure how or where to focus to produce the results you're looking for?

This self-paced audio course (no actual cds) takes the law of attraction and gives you easy methods to apply the law in a way that will get results. It takes you step by step into a process that will help you manifest results in no time at all!

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© Copyright 2017. Catherine L. Taylor. All rights reserved.​