How to Shift From a Deprivation Mindset to an Abundant One

Published: Tue, 10/10/17

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Hi ,

Enough is a feast.  — Zen proverb

Abundance is our natural state.  As overeaters, we may find this hard to believe, as our lives are often driven by feelings of lack, craving, and deprivation. Many of us feel empty, inadequate, or have a sense that something is missing in our lives. We use food, shopping, and other externals to fill this emptiness. But food and other things are a poor substitute, for what we are truly hungry for are the fruits and abundance of the spirit.

We have all we need inside of us. The way back to this knowing is to reconnect with our deeper selves and and/or a Higher Power through prayer, meditation, yoga or some other centering practice.  Once we know at a deeper level that we are truly enough as we are, the insatiable need for more and more will begin to fall away. We will find a peace and satisfaction that has eluded us.

Part of recognizing our natural state of abundance is to practice gratitude for what we have been given.  Not only do we practice gratitude for the outer blessings in our lives, but also for the inner blessings: our strengths, gifts, and talents.  

Many of us have spent so much time bemoaning what we aren’t, that we have failed to see what we are: human with a wealth of undeveloped potential inside of ourselves, our true abundance.

As we let go of our overeating behaviors, we find we have the time and inclination to tap into and develop this potential, as we naturally want to be more, instead of consuming just to have more.

I recommend occasionally writing a "what's good about me" list. Write down all the good qualities about yourself, external as well as internal. Look it over when feeling down or inadequate. Ask the people closest to you what they treasure about you. We all need to be reminded occasionally that we are unique beings with special attributes. It's so easy to get hyperfocused on our flaws and shortcomings. 

Is my life a reflection of lack or abundance?  What will it take to satisfy me?

4 Ways to Shift into Abundance
  • Cultivate a grateful heart. Write down at least 3 things you’re grateful for on a daily basis.
  • Get still daily and tune into the Cosmic Source of Abundance within you. Ask for what you need and listen for guidance, ideas, and inspiration.
  • Trust that the Universe has your back. Move forward with confidence and faith. Don’t passively wait for it to be handed to you. The Universe will take you seriously when you’re seriously committed. You have to do your part through action.
  • Focus on what you love and brings you joy, even if you can only do this for 10-15 minutes a day.

P. S. Are you having trouble manifesting the weight loss you desire? I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

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