How to Enjoy the Holiday Season and Not Gain Weight

Published: Tue, 11/07/17

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Hi ,

Thanksgiving is almost upon us and most of us are already celebrating the holiday season with pumpkin spice goodies and other holiday treats that have appeared on the scene.

Many people believe that it’s almost impossible not to gain weight during the holidays. Most people tell themselves they will indulge now and start being good again in January. Unfortunately, most people aren’t successful at diets, so in reality that weight never leaves them and they may even put on more weight after the diet is over.

Most people look at this issue in a very black and white fashion. They see two choices: overindulgence or deprivation. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Yes, you can’t eat every holiday treat you’re offered or tempted by but you can be selective and truly enjoy your choices.

Yesterday morning, I went to a meeting and there were a slew of holiday cookies. I took one that really appealed to me. I ate half of it very slowly and then wrapped it in a napkin and put it in my purse.

This morning I had the rest of it with my coffee before I had my breakfast.
One of my favorite things to enjoy in the holidays is eggnog. So I bought an 11 oz. bottle of it and poured a couple of ounces of it in a half cup of my morning coffee. I enjoyed the eggnog flavor without the cloying richness. I did this every day for about 5 days until the eggnog was gone. I satisfied my holiday craving for eggnog and won’t have any more until next year.

The same goes for pumpkin pie. I may eat a small sliver at Thanksgiving because by the time dessert rolls around, I’m already full. I will then take some home and enjoy a small sliver for 2-3 days with my morning coffee and then have my regular breakfast.

At holiday parties, I will take several pieces of goodies and enjoy a bite or two of each one, and then I bring the rest home so that I can enjoy small bites of them over the course of several days.

Enjoying treats this way eliminates the feeling that I must eat all of them in one sitting. I find if I eat them very slowly and truly savor them, I enjoy them even more this way. They become more special than if I ate them mindlessly a party.

Now, you might be thinking, “That’s great for Catherine but I can’t control myself around sweets.” Well, I’m a former binge and compulsive eater who binged mainly on sweets. Moderation wasn’t in my bag of tricks either. It’s something I’ve learned how to do by experimenting.

I find it’s often black and white thinking combined with a deprivation mindset that drives people to overindulge. It certainly is what drove mine. Often, the idea that these goodies are special or that the holidays come only once a year, so you better eat up, is often at the heart of this thinking.

When faced with lots of tempting choices at a party, it’s ok to take a bite or two of something and then toss it. I find that a bite or two satisfies my curiosity about something and I don’t feel deprived. If I find something that is extra delicious then I may choose to focus on that particular thing and eat less of other

If you have a diet mentality, then you’ve probably got foods in good and bad categories. If you have a cookie at a party or during the day, you might tell yourself you’ve blown it so you might as well eat 4-5 more, what the heck!
The truth is you can start over anytime. A day is never blown because of a cookie or dessert; you can always make up for it at the next meal or over the course of 24 hours.

Enjoying holiday treats is a wonderful part of the holidays and doesn’t need to be avoided. It’s good to have a game plan and part of that is making smart choices. Figure out what holiday treats mean the most to you and then plan on having them in moderate amounts. By doing this, it’s easier to pass up other less enjoyable holiday treats.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season,


P. S. If you feel you need some support, accountability, and encouragement to make changes, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

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Affirmations for Weight Loss and Wellness
The secret to losing weight permanently is to change your thoughts about how you feel about yourself, eating, food, and exercise. Change your mind and your body will follow!

The word affirm mean to “make firm.” This ebook and the accompanying audio affirmations will show you how to shape a new body, mindset, and destiny for yourself – one affirmative thought at a time.

All thought is creative. You can use your mind to create good with the use of positive thought, or you can use your mind to destroy by focusing on negative thoughts. Our bodies actually have a physical chemical reaction to the content of our thoughts.

Negative thinking and stress makes our bodies produce cortisol and other stress hormones, which makes us store fat around our bellies, slows our metabolism, and makes weight loss much more difficult or even impossible.

Affirmations can help you reframe negative thinking, stay motivated, and boost your mood and focus! 

This course includes a pdf ebook (30 pages) containing hundreds of affirmations arranged by topic and the same affirmations are recorded by topic into 3 to 4 minutes audios (mp3 format). There are 25 audios in all. 

Topics include:

Body love, change, eating well, confidence, exercise, setbacks and temptations, goal setting and success, energy, and support.

Self-esteem, self-respect, feelings, loneliness, forgiveness, gratitude, intuition, fear, and pain.

Positivity, receptivity, acceptance, present moment, law of attraction, spirituality, purpose and passion.

The audios are downloadable and can be used in your music player and played while working out in the gym, driving in the car, walking, etc.

Because they're short, you can listen to them throughout your day to stay focused and motivated!


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