How to Recover from Holiday Overeating

Published: Tue, 11/28/17

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Hi ,

Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist but also in the ability to start over. 
—F. Scott Fitzgerald

Are you feeling rather guilty and bloated from overindulging this Thanksgiving Holiday? If so, it’s time to drop the guilt and move on. No amount of self-recrimination will undo the damage that has already occurred. Let it go!

Today is a new day and a new beginning.

Beating yourself up over your behavior increases your shame and guilt which leads right back to the food to numb out uncomfortable feelings. Instead, practice compassion and self-forgiveness, which lightens your load immediately and gets you back on track.

Compassion for yourself means accepting that you're only human and in spite of your best intentions,you won’t ever eat perfectly, especially when confronted with a smorgasbord of tempting choices. Remember, you're human and because so, you won’t always make the best choices, but that doesn’t mean you're a bad person.

A day or two, or even a long weekend of overindulgence, doesn’t have to ruin a healthy eating plan. You can balance it out by what you eat during the rest of the week.



Here are a few tips to get back on track after a day or two of heavy eating or even a binge:

  • Stay away from the scale. You’re probably bloated. A day of overeating won’t show up on the scale.
  • Don’t try to diet or skip meals. This will lead to becoming ravenous and overeating.
  • Eat only when hungry and stop when you're full, not stuffed.
  • Eat meals that are high in protein with lots of vegetables for high fiber and fullness.
  • Try making one meal a main course salad.
  • Make a pot of soup. Have that for some of your meals during the week.
  • Bring your lunch to work the rest of the week. You’ll save money and won’t be as tempted to keep overeating.
  • Drink lots of water. 
  • Go for a walk to get things moving.
  • Don’t try to make up for it by over-exercising. Keep to your existing exercise routine.

Just remember, don’t use overeating on one day or over a holiday weekend as an excuse to keep overeating throughout the season. You may feel jolly while doing it, but rest assured, come New Year’s, you will regret your folly. 


Catherine L. Taylor

 P. S. If you're ready to make peace with food, I'd love to be your guide. How you do food is how you do life!

 Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

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