The Greatest Gift of All

Published: Tue, 12/05/17

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Hi ,

When you believe you are not a legitimate human being in and of yourself and that your legitimacy hinges on outside validation and approval, you live in constant fear.
  —Ann Wilson Schaef

The holiday season is in full swing and with it comes many social obligations and parties. For people with food and weight issues, this can be a difficult time.  If you’re self-conscious about your weight, you may even find yourself avoiding certain events.

When you feel self-conscious, it is often because you fear negative judgment from others. You might have the belief that you’re defective or not good enough and that you must live up to others' standards. You feel you need their approval in order to feel good about yourself.

Sometimes you might project your negative evaluation of yourself onto others and believe they hold as low an opinion of you as you do. If someone does judge you, remember, their judgment is about them - their beliefs and value systems - not yours. Someone's judgment can only make you feel bad if you buy into it and believe it's true.

Being an approval seeker can make you an easy target for manipulation and abuse. As long as you're dependent on the approval of others, you are subject to their whims – essentially a puppet on a string.  If you get their approval you feel good; if you don't, you feel like crap. This is a very flimsy foundation to base your self-worth and happiness on.

When you approve of yourself, you’re free to be who you truly are. If people approve of you, it’s nice but not necessary.
Here’s an exercise to help you remember your awesomeness.

Make a list of all the things that are great about you. List your personal qualities, physical qualities, and all your accomplishments. If you have trouble listing your personal qualities, ask a loved one what they treasure about you. Review this often. When you’ve got an event to attend, read this over before you go.

It’s easy to get caught up in what’s wrong about yourself, especially if you don’t like being overweight, but you need to remind yourself frequently, there is so much more to you than a body.  Sure, it’s nice to look good but you have a mind, heart, and soul and they have much to offer the world.

Real beauty is a light in the heart and needs to be cultivated. Self-love and acceptance isn’t something others give you; it’s a gift you give to yourself…and that is the most priceless gift of all.

Today, I look at my people pleasing tendencies. Am I still looking to others for approval and validation?


I approve of myself.

It's my own opinion of myself that truly matters.

I am a person worthy of my own love and approval. I begin to give it to myself right now.

I am worthy simply because I'm alive. 


Emails are sent Monday - Friday!

P. S. If you feel you need some support, accountability, and encouragement to make changes, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

The How You do Food is How You do Life
Group Coaching Program Begins January 4, 2018

Sign Up Before Jan 1st. and Receive 2 Free Private
Coaching Sessions! A $185 Value!
  • Are you obsessed with food, weight, and or dieting?
  • Do you turn to food for emotional comfort? Do you eat when stressed?
  • Are you putting off your happiness until you lose the weight?
  • Have you lost weight only to gain it back and then some?
  • Do you want to make peace with food and your body?
  • Are you ready to get off the dieting roller coaster and achieve permanent weight loss?
  • Are you tired of the dieting yo-yo cycle?

My How You do Food is How You do Life - Weight Loss and Emotional Eating Group Coaching Program is starting on January 4, 2018. If you can’t seem to lick your emotional eating habit on your own, and want to learn a non-diet, mindfulness based approach to weight loss , then this group is for you. You’ll learn strategies and tools that will set you up for success in 2018 and beyond.

The How You do Food is How You do Life Group Coaching Program (formerly known as The Weight Loss Masters Club) is a 3 month, 6 session, every other week, mindfulness based, non-diet weight loss and emotional eating coaching program that is will put you on the path to success. By the time you’re done, you’ll be feeling more confident about your ability to lose weight and keep it off (without dieting), feel more at peace and in control of your relationship with food and your life, know how to deal with obstacles, stress, and setbacks, and feel nurtured instead of deprived.

To read more about the program and to sign up click here.

Sign Up Before Jan 1st. and Receive 2 Free Coaching
Sessions! A $185 Value!

To insure plenty of individualized attention, the group size is limited. These groups sell out quickly, so please reserve your space soon!