How You're Blocking Your Weight Loss Success

Published: Tue, 12/19/17

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Hello ,

Real transformation is based on self-love and acceptance.  Our spirits grow and expand in love. It’s the fertile soil of self-transformation and change. Self-judgment, blame, and self-criticism are poisonous to our spirits. Our spirits wither and contract in response to these energies.

We are like flowers. Given the right mix of nutrients and put into the right nurturing environment, we grow, change, and blossom.

Yet, most of us who struggle with food and weight, struggle internally with very harsh self-criticism. Unfortunately, you can't criticize or hate your way into a better body.  If I had to pick one quality that keeps people from being successful at weight loss and/or overcoming emotional eating, I would choose this one.

Being highly self-critical and expecting perfection from yourself is like shooting yourself in the foot before you even start the race. Unless you get a grip on it, it pretty much dooms you to failure.

That’s why in my private coaching and my 3 month program I spend a lot of time on working on how to become softer and more accepting of yourself. Many people who are perfectionists have an underlying belief that they are defective or not good enough in some manner. Therefore, their perfectionism is all about trying to overcompensate for this perceived inadequacy.

What if there was actually nothing wrong with you?

The things that you often perceive as failings and/or weakness are simple humanness. The goal needs to be acceptance of this, instead of trying to achieve the unattainable goal of perfection.

 In my practice, I see that when people begin to lighten up on themselves, they often begin to lose weight, grow, and blossom. They find it pretty effortless too because they are no longer struggling with themselves.

So many people I work with feel they are failures because they’ve failed at dieting. They haven't failed, the diets have failed them.

Your body possesses an innate intelligence that contains all the answers. The only so-called failure has been to look to an external source of guidance (diets) instead of your own internal guidance and intuitive wisdom.

You are the answer. You are what you’ve been seeking all along. What you need to do is to relearn how to trust yourself. Deep down you know what you need and you know what to do.

Chronic dieting strips away that kind of self-trust.

It all starts with paying attention. You deserve the gift of your own attention. If not now, when?

I hope you will give yourself that gift of attention by signing up for my How You do Food is How You Do Life Weight Loss and Emotional Eating Program that begins January 4th.

If you sign up by December 31st, you will receive $100 off the program and receive 2 free private coaching sessions with me ($185 value).

Or you can work one on one with me. I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

                          What People Say About The Program!