How to Move Beyond the Honeymoon Phase

Published: Tue, 12/26/17

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Do you start out all enthused about a weight loss program only to peter out in a few days or a couple of weeks? This is the honeymoon phase most commonly associated with dieting. Unfortunately, diets are not something that are sustainable for the long haul and they don't really teach you how to deal with your emotions and stress. 

Most people can follow a diet for awhile especially when life is going smoothly, but as soon as life throws them a curve ball, which it will do, then they are thrown off track. It often takes weeks, months, or even years before the next attempt. A dieter's path is often littered with starts and stops that often leads to even more weight gain.

The best way to eliminate this phenomenon is to accept that weight loss needs to be about lifestyle and behavioral change. It's a day to day process that requires consistent action, time, and patience. It's not something that you're going to go off of.

Instead of getting overly focused on fast results and your end goal, focus on the daily process. Ask: "What can I realistically do for myself each day on a consistent basis?"

Sometimes just focusing on one or two things can lead to the biggest changes.Maybe you need to focus on incorporating a regular routine of walking. Or maybe you want to focus consistently on eating only when you're hungry and stopping when you're full. When you show up consistently for the process, your weight and life will change.

If you're ready to move beyond the honeymoon phase and develop solid strategies for lasting success you may want to enroll in my group coaching program that begins Jan. 4th.

See the details in the next article under the picture below.

Need some help developing a consistent routine that works?



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Registration is Now Open!
My Weight Loss and Emotional Eating Program Begins Jan. 4th!

Registration is now open for my How You do Food is How You do Life ® Group Program. The program will begin on Thursday, January 4th and run for 12 weeks through March 15th.

  • Are you obsessed with food, weight, and or dieting?
  • Do you turn to food for emotional comfort? Do you eat when stressed?
  • Are you putting off your happiness until you lose the weight?
  • Have you lost weight only to gain it back and then some?
  • Do you want to make peace with food and your body?
  • Are you ready to get off the dieting roller coaster and achieve permanent weight loss?
  • Are you tired of the dieting yo-yo cycle?

If you can’t seem to lick your emotional eating habit on your own, and want to learn a non-diet, mindfulness based approach to weight loss and/or overcoming emotional eating and bingeing , then this group is for you. You’ll learn strategies and tools that will set you up for success in 2018 and beyond.

The How You do Food is How You do Life Group Coaching Program (formerly known as The Weight Loss Masters Club) is a 3 month, 6 session, every other week, mindfulness based, non-diet weight loss and emotional eating coaching program that is will put you on the path to success. By the time you’re done, you’ll be feeling more confident about your ability to lose weight and keep it off (without dieting), feel more at peace and in control of your relationship with food and your life, know how to deal with obstacles, stress, and setbacks, and feel nurtured instead of deprived.

To read more about the program and to sign up click here.

Sign Up By Dec. 31st and Receive 2 Free Coaching
Sessions! A $185 Value!

To insure plenty of individualized attention, the group size is limited. These groups sell out quickly, so please reserve your space soon!

So what do I mean by the phrase "How you do food is how you do life ®?"

People who overeat often don't realize that their issue with food and weight isn't the real problem. It's only a symptom - a symptom of how they are living their life.

If your life is stressful, then you will turn to food to cope with that stress. If your life lacks pleasure and excitement, you will turn to food looking for pleasure and excitement. If you try to control and restrict your food, you will become obsessed with food. You eat how you are. When you're at peace with yourself, you become at peace with food. How you do food is how you do life! ®

Remember, the only way to get different results, is by doing something different.

Instead of making more New Year's resolutions that peter out quickly, resolve to get at your issue once and for all.

To read more about the program and to sign up click here.

Happy Holidays!

P. S.  January is my busiest time of the year working with clients. I only have room for a handful of private new clients. If you feel you're ready to get a headstart on the new year, now is the time to get started. I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! 

How you do food is how you do life! ®

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