End Emotional Eating by Asking the Right Questions

Published: Tue, 01/16/18

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Hello ,

Many of us have spent years reading books, going to therapy, and endlessly analyzing why we overeat or stay overweight. All of these things have their place, but they can also become a trap, as they can keep us from moving forward.

All we need to know is contained in the present. If we stay awake and aware, what we need to know and do will be revealed to us. Life is continually sending us messages and answers.

Often, our minds are too preoccupied with thoughts of the past or future, and we're not open to receive the wisdom that currently surrounds us. Or we may spin around in mental circles analyzing our behavior, wondering why we are the way we are.

Instead of asking why, try asking how? As in, “How can I move forward with my health, emotional eating, and/or weight loss goals?”

Followed by, “What is the next best step for me right now?”

Some other good questions to ask are:

How do I want to feel?

What am I looking for in food when I am engaging in emotional eating?

Is it a feeling of pleasure, excitement, sensuality, tranquility, comfort, or sweetness?

What do I need to do in order to bring more of these feelings into my life?

What can I do on a daily or weekly basis to achieve that?

Then still and open your mind to receive the answer.

It may come right away or it may be slowly revealed to you over a period of time. The need to understand why keeps you stuck in the past. Your why will be revealed once you’re living in the solution.



“All you have to do is to pay attention; lessons always arrive when you are ready, and if you can read the signs, you will learn everything you need to know in order to take the next step.”

― Paulo Coelho, The Zahir  

P.S. If any of this resonates with you, your next step might be checking out my 12 week How You do Food is How You do Life Program. It's not too late to sign up.

The 2nd session is this Thursday and the recording of Session 1 is available. Recordings are mailed out the day after the sessions.

Cost is $297 and there is a $100 a month, 3 month payment plan available. Just reply back to this email and ask me to set it up for you. 

For more information and to sign up click here.

If you're ready for some private guidance to overcome your food and weight issue, please contact me. I offer a free consultation!

Purchase My New Book on Amazon for only 99 Cents!

Limited Time Only!
This little gem of a book contains hundreds of affirmations to help you stay motivated and focused as you pursue your health, weight loss, and wellness goals. 

The word affirm mean to “make firm.” This ebook will show you how to shape a new body, mindset, and destiny for yourself – one affirmative thought at a time.

I'm making it available on Amazon for a limited time only for 99 cents!

P. S. I'd love it if you would please leave a review!

© Copyright 2018. Catherine L. Taylor. All rights reserved.

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