Why Lack of Willpower Isn't the Problem

Published: Tue, 01/23/18

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Hello ,

Many people believe that their food and weight issues are caused by a lack of willpower. This faulty belief leads to a loss of confidence, and creates feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy. It’s also not the truth.

Overeating is often an attempt to meet other nonfood related needs. Our food choices are also driven by our need for pleasure and it’s usually our emotions, not our minds, that drive our choices.

Over the years, I’ve seen many of these same people let go of this faulty thinking and successfully lose weight after they’ve addressed the root causes of their overeating.

Here are some of the reasons many of my clients overeat, all which have nothing to do with willpower.


Let’s face it. Life is stressful. Unless you have a way of dealing with stress and allow yourself plenty of rest , and regular periods of play and downtime, it’s easy to get into the trap of turning to food to soothe, give pleasure and comfort, and as a way to reward yourself.

 A solid sleep and self-care routine is the foundation of proper weight management. Yet, so many people resist putting this into place in their lives and wonder why they still turn to food.

A good self-care routine can be 10-20 minutes a day of meditation, exercise, yoga, breathing, walking, etc. It’s not that time consuming but does require maybe waking up a little bit earlier, or cutting down on Facebook or TV and devoting time to self-care.

It’s also important to find other sources of pleasure in your life besides food. As humans, we are natural pleasure seekers and when deprived, we’re apt to find pleasure in food, shopping, alcohol, or even drugs.


Studies show that even rats binge after periods of being on restricted diets. They do so because they don’t know when another time of deprivation (dieting) is coming. Chronic dieting leads to a cycle of restricting and overeating that can go on for years.

If you’re stuck in this cycle, the best thing you can do for yourself is to stop dieting and start to eat in response to your own internal cues of hunger and satiety. My programs and private coaching help teach you this.


Thinking you have to eat and/or be perfect puts a tremendous amount of unnecessary pressure on yourself. It also backfires because you’re human and fallible and nobody eats perfectly.

When you deviate from your unrealistic expectations of yourself, you fall into a spiral of shame, guilt, despair, and this leads to feelings of failure.

At this point you might say, “What’s the point? It’s no use. I might as well eat anyway.” This leads to even more guilt and a downward spiral of failure. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The key to getting over perfectionism and black and white thinking is to begin to set realistic expectations for yourself and to stop expecting perfection. If you’re trying to learn new ways, you have to be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes until you get more firmly entrenched in your new ways.

You need to change the story that says, “If I make a mistake, I’m failing” to “If I make a mistake that means I’m learning. So what can I learn from this?”

When you can see failure as simple feedback you can alter your course accordingly. It doesn’t have anything to do with your worth as a person, nor is it a moral failing.

As you can see, willpower is really overated as a means to weight control. It reminds me of back in the day when First Lady Nancy Reagan had the “Just Say No to Drugs” campaign. If people could easily say no to food or drugs, they would, but people are far more complex than that.

If you see yourself in any of this, give yourself a break. You deserve your own compassion. You’re doing the best you can to cope with life.

If you’d like to move beyond these issues and learn a new way, I’d love to be your guide.

I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

Many Blessings,


​Catherine L. Taylor



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