The Greatest Weight Of All

Published: Tue, 01/30/18

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Hello ,

I have been coaching women, and some men, for well over a decade now. During this time I’ve had many extremely successful, accomplished, and talented women as clients.

As their coach, I’ve been privy to their hopes, dreams, secrets, fears, and insecurities.

And one thing stands out for me. No matter how much a woman accomplishes most feel inadequate and insecure if they don’t feel good about their appearance, especially if they are overweight.

Most women feel tremendous pressure to live up to societies’ expectations that a woman be attractive and a normal weight. This makes it really hard for a woman to own all her other accomplishments. She can be the greatest mother, a great wife, and have a successful career, and still feel like a failure.

It makes me so sad that so many women define themselves this way and can’t fully own the totally of themselves. Their self-worth is defined by their body, but this is because our society still often defines a woman by her appearance.

The saddest thing I encounter are the women who are now much older and have spent most of their lives in this struggle. Because they’ve been so consumed by their struggle, they have had no energy to go after their hopes and dreams. Many have told themselves that only once the weight is gone, will they go after their dreams. For many, this day has never come.

The years have passed and they’ve never fully developed themselves or gone after their dreams. Many feel it’s now too late for them. The true cost of food and weight obsession is an unlived life and it is such a sad way to waste one’s one and only precious life. 

I used to be one of these women. Even though I’ve been a certified coach for 20 years and I got my food and weight issue handled in my 30’s, I didn’t start my online coaching business until I was 47 years old. I am now 60. I am living proof it’s never too late to go after your dreams or dream some new ones.

I used to be a great procrastinator and a perfectionist. I told myself I just needed to keep working on myself and that once I got perfect enough, well, then I’d dazzle the world with my gifts. I finally had the realization that type of thinking was a trap and I was never going to be perfect and didn’t ever need to be.
I did enough spiritual work on myself to get to the point that I felt great in my own skin and I realized that who I was, warts and all, was good enough and that once I began to offer myself and my talents, I would continue to develop my gifts through practice and repetition.

And that is what has happened. As I’ve helped my client’s blossom, I’ve continued to grow and blossom as well. It’s been such a beautiful and sacred thing to get to witness a person get back in touch with their authenticity, embrace their full self, and let go of the weight of their unworthiness. This is really the heart of the work I do. It’s never really been about weight loss.

The weight of your unworthiness is the biggest weight that needs to be dropped and most think it will be dropped once the weight comes off, but you see, it’s really the other way around.

Once you drop the unworthiness, you can fully devote yourself to the process of self-love and self-nurturing. Weight Loss and overcoming overeating can naturally unfold from this process.

My clients are amazed that when they reach this place, they are no longer struggling, and the process, including losing weight, feels pretty effortless. They have found joy in the day to day journey, and most of all, they know who they are is enough. Feeling good in one’s own skin is the greatest gift of all and it actually has nothing to do with weight.


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How you do food is how you do life! ®

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