Are You Looking to be Fixed?

Published: Tue, 02/06/18

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If you tend to flit from one weight loss diet or program after another, you are probably looking for something to fix you.  You're looking for that magical diet, pill, or even surgery that's going to make it all better. When people come to me and say they've tried everything and nothings worked, quite often, what they mean is they've tried many different diets and then went right back to their old ways.

What they haven't tried is changing themselves. They really don't want to do the inner work that's required or they're not willing to give up the crutch of overeating.
For a true weight loss transformation to occur, you must stop looking outside of yourself to be rescued or fixed and begin to take responsibility for your own process of inner growth.

It’s human nature to want a quick fix, but the truth is sooner or later you have to face yourself and change what’s not working from within. This includes your limited beliefs, your distorted thinking, your assumptions, your habits, and your attitudes about yourself, food, and how you approach and respond to life. You eat how you are and that’s why my tagline is “how you do food is how you do life.”

Real transformation requires an inner shift that a diet just can’t give you. This means getting serious about doing the real work and not expecting a complete transformation in a few weeks or even after a month.

Yes, it’s human nature to want a softer, easier way, and because of that, to become a shiny object chaser – wanting to try the latest diet gimmick or cleanse – but after years of yo-yo dieting that doesn’t work and getting fatter in the process, hopefully you come to a place where you realize it has never really given you what you’re looking for.


Many people come to me when they’re in this place. They’re in deep despair because they just can’t bring themselves to diet anymore. They’ve hit a bottom with dieting and they think this means they’re never going to lose weight and I tell them that actually they’re in a very good place. This is when they’re finally ready to let go of dieting and become receptive to learning a new way.

For anything new to happen, you have to be open and willing. And often, you have to have exhausted your other options. You also have to let go of the old and create a space for the new to appear.

Transformation isn’t all bliss. It’s really a little death; a letting go, or a shedding of an old skin. Change involves loss. Transformation is a bit disorienting because as we move forward into the new, we are temporarily on shaky ground. This can be anxiety provoking.  Many people would rather stay safe and cozy in their comfort zone than face their fears and shortcomings, and move forward.

True change is challenging and that’s the truth. But if you want to grow, you have to get honest with yourself and embrace challenges.

So, if you want to look for something new, I suggest getting real with yourself and look within. It’s usually the last place anyone looks for answers, especially when it comes to food and weight. You have all that you need inside of you to create a true transformation in your life.

Start right here by asking yourself these questions:

What’s really holding me back from losing weight and/or overcoming overeating?

What attitudes, habits, and limiting beliefs are keeping me stuck?

After you answer the question, ask yourself this:

What am I going to do about it?


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Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-transformation? I'd love to be your guide on the journey to peace and freedom around food and weight. 

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How you do food is how you do life! ®

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