Lose 25 to 40 Lbs. by Summer!

Published: Sun, 02/25/18

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Hi ,

How are you doing with your weight loss and fitness goals? Did you start out with a big bang in January and are now ending February in a  defeated whimper?

Spring is almost here, and it's not too late to lose 25 to 40 lbs. by summer!

If you've gotten off track, lost motivation, or are engaging in self-sabotage or emotional eating, there is still hope for you!

Now is the perfect time to get some individual coaching. Coaching can make the difference between success and failure. If you're tired of being on the endless hamster wheel of dieting, bingeing and/or emotional eating, my personal coaching can help you overcome your self-defeating patterns around food and weight. 

Weight loss is 75% mental. If your attitude and limiting beliefs and habits are keeping you stuck in self-defeating patterns, you're dooming yourself to failure. 

Diets don't work in the long run. They don't address the reasons you've put the weight on in the first place and they don't teach how to eat and live in a way that's sustainable for life. 

Coaching is one of the best things you can do to invest in yourself and your health.

I coach and mentor people in the areas of: permanent weight loss, emotional eating, self-esteem, body image, mindfulness, mindful or intuitive eating, mindset, stress management, self-care, and the art of self-love and self-acceptance. 

Coaching can help you regain your confidence in yourself and the benefits you receive can be felt across all areas of your life. That's why my tagline is "How You do Food is How You do Life!."

​​​​​​​Julia below lost 43 lbs! She got of the diet roller coaster, learned how to love herself, and overcame emotional eating. 

Listen to the story of her amazing transformation!​​​​​​​

"There are so many things I love about Catherine! She is accepting, nonjudgmental, loving, wonderful coach and has an uncanny way of getting to the nitty gritty without making you feel judged for one second. However, my favorite thing about working with Catherine is her incredible gift to help facilitate personal growth. Her ability to hear me speak for just a moment and be able to say something so profound that stops me in my tracks and causes me to reflect, therefore having an "ah-ha" moment...priceless!"

 If you're ready for a fresh start, I'd love to offer you a free consultation so that we can discuss your issue and see if coaching is a good fit for you. Consults are free and run 20 to 30 minutes.


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Join My Daily Affirmations Group On Facebook!

Many of my readers love my affirmations. I post them daily on Facebook and twitter. Unfortunately, the way Facebook works these days, most people don't see very many of my posts. By joining my group, you will be notified every time I post and won't miss any of my daily affirmations.

​​​​​​​I hope you will join me! 

You can join here. 

Join My Free Community!
Let's face it, it's hard to stay motivated and focused. That's why I created my new How You do Food is How You do Life Facebook Community. It features a nondiet approach to weight loss and provides support for people who eat emotionally.

It's there to give you daily support and motivation, and to give you the daily reminders you need to keep you focused. I check in every day so that I can interact with members and answer any questions they might have.

It’s free to join and there you will meet people like yourself who are trying to get healthy, make peace with food, and/or lose weight without dieting.

I hope you will join us!

You can join here.
