This is The Killer of Dreams

Published: Tue, 06/13/17

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Hi ,

Confidence comes to those who dare to do. Self-doubt comes to those who sit around and wait. 
—Catherine L. Taylor

Do you know this scenario?

You start out all enthused about a new weight loss program and after a week or two you’re hit with a dark cloud of self-doubt. A little nagging voice tells you that you’re going to fail, or it asks, “Why in the world do you think this time will be any different?” It then goes on to shame you about all your past failed attempts and tells you what a screw up you are. “You’re never going to be successful,” it says. And you conclude it’s right and follow it into the refrigerator, where failure is waiting to confirm the awful truth: you really don’t have what it takes.

Now, any motivation or excitement you had disappears and you’re left feeling ambivalent about continuing. You tell yourself you might as well just keep eating or maybe you’ll decide to go back to Weight Watchers or try a new diet or program. And that will only last until the next dark cloud of doubt dumps all over you.

And the cycle repeats.

Sound familiar?

Self-doubt is a thief of the soul. It steals what's good and true about yourself and leaves nothing but confusion in its wake. You must not give it too much time and energy or your life will not move forward. You’ll be left in a fog wondering what happened to your dreams and desires.

Feed doubt and you get more doubt. Self-doubt makes you waffle. It makes your mind go in circles eventually driving you and everyone around you crazy. It’s as if you’ve been hit with a poisonous dart that paralyzes you. Here’s the truth about doubt. Self-doubt goes poof in the bright light of reality. In order to see through it, you must question it and as you do it will disappear.

When doubt hits you need to ask yourself if what it is telling you is true. Some doubts are justified and are there to warn you, but if you are prone to attacks of self-doubt, these are usually unjustified. Just because you have failed in the past doesn’t mean that this has to be a repeat.

You need to review your past attempts at weight loss and see why they didn’t work. You may need to set more realistic goals or learn new ways to deal with your emotions or stress, or work on your mindset so this time you can be successful. One of the biggest reasons people fail is that they quit too soon. Usually because of self-doubt! If they had just stayed the course a bit longer they would have found that success was waiting for them right around the corner.

The antidote to self-doubt is faith. You're here right? You wouldn't have made it this far if you weren't capable of change, or surviving obstacles and setbacks. Give yourself credit where credit is due.

Make a list of all your strengths and accomplishments and when the cloud of self-doubt hits, review this list. You wouldn’t be here today if you hadn’t overcome challenges and setbacks. Nobody makes it into adulthood without overcoming some challenges.

Ok, you may be thinking, “Yes, I’ve accomplished a lot but I’ve failed repeatedly in the area of weight loss. I just can’t muster any more enthusiasm for it.”

Write this down and put it where you can see it:

My past failures don’t have to define me or be my future unless I allow them to.

If you keep giving in to self-doubt, you just repeat past scenarios and you never get a chance to see if you could be successful. Remember - quitting guarantees one thing – failure. And to not make a decision because of self-doubt is a decision to do nothing. The only real failure in life is to not try.

When an attack of self-doubt hits, you need to understand it’s lying to you. It’s the thief of dreams. Stop listening to it. When it starts up, acknowledge it, then detach, and like a radio, change the channel. Repeat mantras and/or affirmations, focus on your strengths, ask the Universe for strength, and move forward.

Nothing cuts through the fog of doubt like action! With each step forward, you begin to see self-doubt for what it really is: FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real.

If I take action and keep moving forward, I have nothing to lose but my self-doubt. 



Summer Special!
$200 Off My Coaching Program 

Are you ready to move beyond self-doubt and learn to manifest the body you've always wanted?

Due to summer vacations, I have some empty spots in my coaching schedule.

I am offering my full 12 week coaching program (regularly $599) for $399.

This is a great way to try coaching and summer is the perfect time to lose weight or make positive lifestyle changes!

To listen to Julia's amazing transformation story and read more client testimonials and success stories click here.

For Coaching Information click here. 


Do you love the law of attraction but are confused about how to use it for weight loss?

Have all your efforts at manifesting weight loss produced little results?

Are you unsure how or where to focus to produce the results you're looking for?

This self-paced digital course (no actual cds) takes the law of attraction and gives you easy methods to apply the law in a way that will get results. It takes you step by step into a process that will help you manifest results in no time at all!

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It's here to give you daily support and motivation, and to give you the daily reminders you need to keep you focused. 

It’s free to join and there you will meet people like yourself who are trying to get healthy, be mindful, lose weight, and break free from dieting.

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