Overcoming Overeating: The First Steps to Change

Published: Tue, 06/27/17

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Hi ,

The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
~ Nathaniel Branden

A new year is upon us and many of us are ready and motivated to lose weight and make changes in our eating and other health habits. Yet, because we are so bombarded by weight loss, diet and health information, many of us have no idea where to start.

The first place to start is to identify what the problem is. Awareness is the first step toward change. We have to be aware of a problem in order to change it.

Now, you may be thinking, “Well, I know what the problem is, I’m overweight and want to lose weight. How do I go about it?”

Well, here’s something to think about. Your weight is the end result of what your real problem is. The weight is only a symptom. If all you do is address your weight, let’s say with diet and exercise, you’re putting the cart before the horse and setting yourself up for failure.


Let’s take a deeper look.

1. Do you have poor impulse control? A need for instant gratification?

If you have poor impulse control, then learning to pause before giving in to your urges is crucial. This is where mindfulness comes in. Every time you approach food, pause and ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?” If not, ask, “What am I feeling or needing in this moment?”  Then, try to attend to your need or feeling in an appropriate manner. Maybe you’re feeling lonely and need to call a friend, or maybe you’re bored and need to go for a quick walk or just take a little break. Distract yourself with something else until the urge to overeat passes.

2. Do you have a low frustration tolerance? Do you overeat because you have a hard time dealing with uncomfortable emotions?

If you have a hard time dealing with uncomfortable emotions, instead of running from them or stuffing them down with food, learn to tolerate them by sitting with them for short periods of time. This will increase your tolerance and you will learn quickly that feelings are temporary and pass on their own. As you learn to tolerate discomfort, you will begin to feel stronger and less afraid of your emotions. Sometimes it’s just too hard to hang out with difficult feelings. When tough feelings arise, it’s also important to have a list of things you can do to feel better and use it.

3. Are you a stress eater?

If you’re a stress eater, you need to learn better ways to cope with the stress of life. Go for a walk, learn to meditate, do yoga, listen to relaxation tapes, play soothing music, etc. Find better ways to release stress and food will lessen its hold on you.

4. Is your life lacking in joy and pleasure? Is it all routine, chores, and duty? Is food your go to source for fun, pleasure, rewards, and excitement?

If food is your main source of pleasure, find other outlets that bring pleasure and joy. What did you like to do for fun as a child or teenager? What are you drawn to? Find small ways to bring pleasure into your daily life, even if it’s just for 5 – 10 minutes a day. Give yourself bigger pleasures on a weekly and monthly basis.


5. Are you anxious and/or depressed? Is food your favorite tranquilizer and numbing agent?

If anxiety and depression make you turn to food, it’s time to learn deep breathing, meditation, and work on changing the internal, negative dialogue and beliefs that make you feel anxious and/or depressed. It’s time to stop catastrophizing and learn to live one day, one moment at a time. Developing a spiritual or meditation practice can help you live with trust and faith and bring a sense of comfort and strength that may be lacking in your life. If depression doesn’t lift, get therapy and/or medication to help you move beyond it.

6. Do you overeat because you feel bored and unfulfilled with your life? Do you lack nourishing interests and hobbies? Do you feel lonely and isolated?

If you feel bored and unfulfilled by your life, it’s time to set some new goals and dream some new dreams or perhaps dust off some old ones. Take up a new hobby or interest; join a club; go back to school; or work on your personal development. All these things will infuse your life with fresh energy and passion and introduce you to new people as well.

I hope this has given you some food for thought and a fresh perspective on where you may need to start to deal with your food and weight issue. Choose one thing or area you’re going to work on; create a plan, and work on it daily. Start with small baby steps and add more as you go along.

The first step to change may be awareness but the most important step is to begin to take action. As your work on your inner self, your outer life will begin to change as well. It's much easier to lose weight when food begins to take its proper place in your life - as a source of nourishment.

If this seems too difficult to do on your own, get some coaching to learn how to implement these changes into your daily life. How you do food is how you do life!®

Are you ready to take the first step? I offer a free consultation. Contact Me!

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