{Thinnerisms Newsletter} How Mindfulness Helps You Lose Weight - Issue #72

Published: Tue, 09/30/14

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Food is one of life's greatest pleasures. When eating, aim for more attention to pleasure, with quality over quantity.

- Catherine L. Taylor

The path to weight loss nirvana is paved with mindfulness. Mindfulness is an essential skill that puts you on the path to permanent weight loss or "en-liten-ment". Mindfulness is the practice of bringing your full attention to the present moment. People who eat compulsively, do so out of reactivity. Reactivity is when thoughts, emotions, and body sensations are channeled into behavior. Compulsive overeating and binge eating is a way to regulate emotions like boredom, anger, anxiety, emptiness, sadness etc.

Mindfulness teaches you to become aware of your internal dialogue or "story" and teaches you to tolerate and/or detach from uncomfortable thoughts and emotions, without having to resort to overeating to avoid or stuff them down.

In a 1999 study conducted by Jean Kristeller, PHD, a psychology professor at Indiana State University, and Brendan Hallett, a grad student, showed that mindfulness practice increased feelings of self-acceptance and control around food, decreasing binges and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression in just 6 weeks.

Mindful eating teaches you to truly savor your food. By learning to eat more slowly and being fully present to the act of eating, you enjoy your food and eat far less.

Mindful eating allows you to reclaim your mind/body connection by becoming aware of your sensations of hunger, satiety, and fullness. This skill is crucial to weight regulation and is often atrophied by years of overeating and/or dieting.

Mindful breathing calms and centers you. It helps to reduce the anxiety that often underlies overeating. A regular meditation practice reduces reactivity, negative thoughts, and increases feelings of self-acceptance.

Mindful eating isn't about rules or restricting certain foods. It's not a diet; it's based on your own bodily sensations and rhythms - it honors your body's inner wisdom. Practicing mindfulness can free you from ever needing to diet again and for many people, that's a freedom worth striving for.

As a person who has recovered from binge eating disorder, I can attest to the benefits of mindfulness. Mindfulness played a crucial role in my recovery; it has given my life the peace and richness that I enjoy today. I have been practicing mindfulness for over 25 yrs. Read my full story below.

If you're ready to move beyond the rules of dieting and learn the skills of mindfulness, Contact Me for a free consultation.

Note: This is a series on mindfulness. In my next newsletter, I will cover ways to begin to practice mindfulness. 


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