{Thinnerisms Newsletter} Weight Loss and Mindfulness: Eat Less, Enjoy Food More, Pt. 2 - Issue #73

Published: Tue, 10/14/14

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To truly enjoy your food, fully surrender to the act of eating it. Lose yourself in the aromas, the flavors, the textures, until you and the food are one.

- Catherine L. Taylor

Note: This is Part 2 of a series on mindfulness. To access Part 1, click here.

In today's fast paced, multitasking world, most of us eat while watching TV, doing work on the computer, and even driving. We are rarely just eating, and even if we are, we're really not present because our minds are occupied with thoughts of past or future events. It's quite easy to down an entire bag of chips or candy while watching TV, without it even registering. Then, not really satisfied, we go looking for more.

Mindfulness is the act of bringing our full attention into the present moment. A square of chocolate, eaten fully present, with every bite fully and slowly savored, can satisfy us in a way that a large chocolate bar, eaten mindlessly, cannot.

Mindful eating practice can transform our relationship with food. The act of eating and fully savoring our food becomes a sacred ritual, a way to nourish our body, senses and spirit. Eating well is an art and mindfulness is the canvas on which memorable meals are made.

Where to Begin

1.Set your intention to eat mindfully at least one meal a day. If this isn't possible at times, aim for at least part of a meal, e.g. the first 3-4 bites. Those tend to be the most delicious. That way, your brain is at least registering what you're eating.

2.Turn off the phones and other devices and truly be with the food: take in the ambience; listen to the conversation; savor the aromas, and fully taste each bite. Try not to zone out, if you do, bring your attention back to the food and the present moment.

3. Ask yourself: Am I truly hungry? Am I enjoying this food, this flavor? Are the textures and aromas appealing?

4.How does this food make me feel? Did I eat too much? Do I feel tired, bloated, or heavy? Am I feeling content and satisfied or left wanting more?

5.What feelings come up after eating this meal? Am I left feeling guilty, disappointed, full of regret, or am I feeling nourished, joyful and satisfied?

6.What thoughts do I have about this meal? Did it bring up any memories, insights, or trigger any fears?

To be effective, mindful eating needs to become a practice. It's not something that we can do occasionally and expect to see dramatic results. We become what we practice and we practice mindfulness one moment at a time. Remember, transformation is a process, not a one-time event, so be patient.

Many people read books on mindfulness/mindful eating or take seminars and then contact me because having the information and integrating it into their daily lives proves to be two very different things. This is what my coaching practice is all about: how to integrate healthy new behaviors, such as mindfulness, so they become a permanent way of life. How you do food is how you do life!

If you're ready and willing and would like some personal support to make it happen, then check this out...

I'm offering a special "Permanent Weight Release" Coaching Session (a $125 value) for ZERO COST.

I only have 5 spots for this so act now!

During this powerful, 1-on-1 coaching session, we'll work together to...

=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your weight loss efforts and keeping you fat.

=> Leave this session renewed, inspired, and ready to finally lose all of the weight you want - once and for all.

To claim your special "Permanent Weight Release" coaching session today, simply click reply and answer these questions:

1. How long have you been struggling to lose weight?

 2. On a scale of zero to 10 how important is it for you to lose weight and keep it off once and for all?

 3. What have you tried doing to lose weight in the past?

 4. What happened with those approaches?

 5. What do you see as your biggest challenge with weight loss?

6. Why do you think you're a good candidate for coaching?

Be sure to include your name, phone number and email address so someone from my office can get back to you within the next 24 to 48 hours to schedule your one-on-one "Permanent Weight Release." (Please allow up to 60 minutes for this coaching session.)

Note: Only people who answer all the questions will be considered for the sessions.

Important! Check your spam or promotions folder for my reply. It often winds up there.

Click reply now to claim your session today!

Warmest regards,


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