{Thinnerisms Newsletter} What's Your Weight Loss Attitude? - Issue #77

Published: Tue, 12/16/14

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Note: This is a previously published newsletter that is worth repeating as you evaluate moving forward into the coming year.  

Hi ,

Our attitude shapes our behavior towards food. We eat how we are. How you do food is how you do life!®
—Catherine L. Taylor

Our attitudes about life form our beliefs and responses around food. We eat how we are. We also approach weight loss with specific attitudes that are shaped by our greater attitudes and responses towards life.

For many of us, our attitudes are what are holding us back from achieving the success we have been looking for.
Here are some attitudes that are often roadblocks to success:

The Diva – Life is a banquet and you want to sample it all. Do you feel entitled to eat all you want, when you want? Do you feel food is your just reward to a hard day’s work, a good workout, a celebration, a good mood, or any day or situation that’s not stellar?

Solution: Do you deserve to have a weight problem, heart disease, high cholesterol, or joint problems? There are consequences for your behavior. Are you willing to pay the price? You’re not exempt from them.

Oh Dear Diva! You can have it all -- just not all the time and not in the large amounts you often want. You need to learn moderation in all things. Find other things to reward yourself with besides food.Set realistic limits around food so that you can have your cake and eat it too.

The Dreamer – Do you think if you just hope and wish enough and maybe say some affirmations, do a vision board, or read the right diet book or attend the right workshop your weight will start to magically melt away? Dream on!

Solution: A goal is a dream with a deadline. Begin to set small daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Get it down in writing and begin to make it happen! Action is the key. Affirmations and vision boards are tools, not a cure-all. Please stop talking and dreaming about it and get willing to do something about it. A plan will make it happen!

The Procrastinator – Do you keep telling yourself that one day you will finally get it together, lose the weight, and then your real life will begin? Do you tell yourself that once you lose weight all your other life problems will be solved?  Do you keep telling yourself you're going to start that weight loss program but you never quite get around to it? Are you tired of waiting?

Solution: Break down your goal into small, manageable actions. Start now. One day at a time. Soon you’ll be there. Enjoy the process and the journey; stop focusing on the end goal, which may overwhelm you.

Ask: what can I do today? And then do it! Your small, daily actions will lead you to the greater place you want to be.

The Quitter – Do you start out being really enthused at things, then hit a bump or obstacle and quit in despair, feeling that you’re a total failure? Is your life littered with a bunch of unfinished projects because you never finish what you start? Start…stop. Start…stop.  Start…stop. 

Solution: Mistakes are what you do, not who you are. Stop taking mistakes so personally. They aren’t about you. Commit to seeing the process through. As you stay the course, you will gain the confidence and mastery that you’re seeking. 
You will finally realize that you do have what it takes to be a winner. You just never gave yourself enough of a chance, because you quit too soon!

The Perfectionist – Do you think you must be perfect and eat perfectly? Do you expect to rigidly follow a routine or diet to the letter, no matter what? Do you define yourself by a number on the scale? Do you think that if you make a mistake that means you’ve blown it, you’re a failure and you might as well be bad…real bad…as in binge?

Solution: Accept that you’re never going to be perfect or eat perfectly all the time. Do what you can each day, and then let the rest go. Learn to soften your standards. Go easy on yourself and others.It’s not all black and white. Establish a gray zone in your life. Get happy with good enough! All your efforts will begin to add up if you stop demanding perfection as the only acceptable standard. 

Do you see yourself in any of these attitudes and eating behaviors? Stay out of the problem and stay focused on the solution. Soon, you will be where you want to be!

P. S. If you feel you need an attitude adjustment and just can't do it on your own, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®
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The Weight Loss Masters Club Starts January 6, 2015!
The Weight Loss Masters Club (Session 1) is a 6 week, step-by-step (lead-you-by-the-hand) coaching program that is guaranteed to get you on the path to success.  By the time you're done, you'll be feeling more confident about your ability to lose weight and keep it off (without dieting), feel more at peace and in control of your relationship with food and your life, know how to deal with obstacles and setbacks, feel nurtured instead of deprived, and be left feeling hungry for more. 

With that in mind there will be another 6 week session, (Session 2), held shortly afterwards so that you can integrate what you’ve learned, learn new material, and move deeper into the work.

To insure plenty of individualized attention, this group is limited to only 10 participants so please book your spot early as it will fill up quickly.  

As a special bonus, if you sign up before January 1, you will receive $100 off!

As of this writing, there are only 2 spots left!