{Thinnerisms Newsletter} 10 Healthy Holiday Eating Tips - Issue #76

Published: Tue, 12/02/14

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Hi ,

If I must start somewhere, right here and now is the best place imaginable.
― Richelle E. Goodrich

Holidays are wonderful but all that excess food can leave you feeling fat, bloated, and remorseful. 

We have a full month of holiday merriment left and many of you are wondering how you’re going to get through it all without gaining extra weight. Studies show that the average American gains 1-2 lbs. during the holidays. Only around 10% gain more. Not surprising, people who are the most active gain the least, and people who are already overweight tend to gain the most.

Now, a 1-2 lb. weight gain doesn’t seem like a lot of weight but here’s the rub: most people don’t lose this weight. It becomes part of the weight they gain over their lifetime, so over 20 holiday seasons that turns into a 20-40 lb. weight gain! Not to mention weight gained over the rest of the year. No wonder so many people are overweight.

With that sobering reality, how can you enjoy yourself and not feel deprived?
The key is to make smart choices by planning your holiday strategy in advance.  As I like to say, “Fail to plan, plan to fail.” Spontaneity often leads to overeating. It’s just too easy to throw your good intentions out the window when faced with an overabundance of tempting goodies and choices.

With that in mind, here are 10 tips to make your holiday a healthy one.

1. Be selective. Accept the fact that you can’t eat every holiday goodie you encounter. Think of the special holiday goodies you can’t live without and be sure to include those in small amounts this holiday.

2. Eat a little before you go to holiday events, that way you can be extra selective about what you choose to eat there.

3. Make sure you eat plenty of lean protein. Eating too many carbs and refined sugars can leave you feeling tired, moody, and can even lower your immune system, making you susceptible to getting sick over the holiday season.

4. Limit your alcohol intake. Drinking too much not only adds calories but it tends to increase overeating. Lighten your intake by drinking white wine spritzers or sipping on one drink all night.

5. Try to eat on small plates. Pick a few appetizers and then fill up on veggies, salad, and/or fruit.

6. If you know there won’t be many healthy choices, bring your own healthy dish.

7. Go for a walk every day. It will help you digest and work off those extra calories.

8. Drink plenty of water. You’ll eat less and feel less bloated.

9. Focus on how your body feels. Check in with yourself and ask, “Am I really hungry?” “Am I really enjoying this food?” If you’re not really into it, don’t eat it!

10. If you feel a bit shy or socially awkward, practice a few icebreakers and questions beforehand. This will keep you from hovering around the food table.

Let’s be realistic. Holidays are not the time to be aiming for weight loss but they are the perfect opportunity to learn about weight maintenance. Let’s face it. There will always be holidays, birthdays, and other celebrations. It’s important to learn how to deal with them if you want to maintain a healthy weight.

And remember, the most important thing of all is to have fun, relax, and connect with family and friends. The holidays are a perfect time to learn that having a good time and practicing healthy behaviors are not mutually exclusive.  If you do wind up overeating, let it go and get right back on track. One day of overeating never made anyone overweight, but over time, we do wind up wearing our choices. 

Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season,


P. S. If you feel you need more guidance and support to get through the holidays staying centered and sane without gaining weight, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®
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