{Thinnerisms Newsletter} Are You Living a Someday Life? - Issue #82

Published: Tue, 06/02/15

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Note: Because I'm currently on vacation, this is a previously published newsletter from several years ago.

Hi ,

If you want to be certain, you should never get married. You should never change jobs. In fact, you might as well just stay home. Because I don't know anybody who is certain. That need to be certain is just procrastination.
—Mark Burnett

Life is uncertain. There are no guarantees in life. Yet many of us long for certainty. We don’t want to put forth the effort towards something unless we know for certain we can be successful or do it perfectly. So we put off going for the things that mean the most to us, including permanent weight loss. Success eludes us because we never fully commit to the process.

As soon as we see signs of failure, have a setback, or hit an obstacle; instead of working through it and learning from it, we quit. That way we don’t have to face failure; yet we never get to face success either. We do the two step: two steps forward, two steps back, and we never move forward to the other steps that would lead us to the other side of the problem. We are always in a state of beginning yet another diet or program in our lives.

Meanwhile, our lives are on hold. Everything gets relegated to someday. We tell ourselves, “Someday, I’ll do the things I really want to do after I lose all my weight and I’m finally happy.” Meanwhile, our one and only precious life is passing us by.

When we isolate at home with food and choose overeating, we are basically saying, “I refuse to live my life.” All of life involves risk. We must gather the courage to venture forth into the unknown with no guarantee of a positive outcome. We can choose to view what happens as feedback and experience for our growth.

If we are too attached to an outcome, we can’t relax into the experience and allow it to unfold and flow. We feel awkward and self-conscious, for we are trying to force things to turn out a certain way. We need to let go and trust that whatever happens is the right result for right now. We trust that if things are meant to be, they will turn out all right in the end.

Life is too uncertain to put off living. We need to live each day like it’s our last. Who knows? It might be.

Let’s begin to do the things we say we want to do. Now. Let’s decide to stop putting off our happiness.

We can change our minds. We can choose happiness right now. We can choose to become full participants in our own lives.

Let's not sit this one out. Let’s take a risk. For the greatest risk of all is to not risk. To not risk is to not live.

Let’s choose life!

P. S. Are you ready to stop living on Someday Isle, start losing weight and living your best life now? Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®
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