{Thinnerisms Newsletter} Weight Loss Success? It All Boils Down To This...

Published: Tue, 03/03/15

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Hi ,

You can't hope, wish, read, or think your way to weight loss success. Insight without action is worthless. You must have a plan of action in order to make your dream real.

~ Catherine L. Taylor

I'm all for spontaneity but when it comes to achieving a weight loss goal, it's all about the planning. A goal gives our mind something to focus on and a plan creates a structure for the accomplishment of that goal. One of the biggest mistakes I see people making when trying to accomplish a goal is that they start out with an initial burst of enthusiasm and try to do too many things at once. After a few weeks, they can't possibly keep up the momentum and as soon as life throws a hiccup their way, they throw it all out the window in frustration, only to have to completely start over again somewhere down the road.

As a coach, I've learned that few people understand the dynamics of change and transition. Most of the people I work with want to go from A to Z without all the steps in between. They expect themselves to be perfect right away and when they struggle, instead of realistically accessing that they're in a learning curve, they label themselves as failures. Labeling yourself as a failure never feels good. It's shame inducing, binge creating, and not conducive to learning. It makes you want to quit.

Luckily, there is a better way - baby steps. My philosophy is start where you are, stand tall, and start small. Don't try to be something you're not; you're a beginner. Don't be surprised when you act like one. Stand tall. There's no shame in that. Start building the momentum of success through small steps. Rome wasn't built in a day and your new body won't be either.

Begin the day with a simple plan:

Ask yourself, "What one thing can I do today that would create better health for myself?"

No matter how busy, we can all do one thing. This simple question and plan cuts through the overwhelm and excuses and keeps you in the game moving forward every day. Consistency is the name of the game and that's the skill I see lacking in most of my overweight clients. Consistency is built one step at a time by daily action: not by how much, but by how often.

  • Maybe today you've got time for a brief walk - even 10 minutes is good. If you can do more, fine.
  • You could eat more fruits and vegetables instead of going for something processed.
  • You could start to practice stopping eating when you're full.
  • You could squeeze in a few moments of breathing or meditation instead of reaching for that candy bar.

The fact that you're doing something - anything - is far more important in the beginning than how much. As you begin to get more comfortable with your new habit, you can slowly add more in terms of quantity or length of time.

Just think how much your world, health, and weight would change if you chose to do one thing - like walking - every day, or at least most days, for a year.

What one thing are you going to do for your health today?

Do you feel you need someone to help you create a plan of action that you can stick with? I'd love to help. I offer a free consultation.

Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

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The Weight Loss Masters Club Starts March 12, 2015!
Spring is coming and many of you are ready to drop that excess weight. If you're tired of going 'round and 'round on the diet hamster wheel going nowhere fast, now is the time to do something different.

My Weight Loss Masters Club (Session 1) is starting up on March 19th. If you can't seem to lick your emotional eating habit on your own, and want to learn a nondiet approach to weight loss, then this group is for you. You'll learn strategies and tools that will set you up for success in 2015 and beyond.

Here's how The Weight Loss Masters Club (and coaching program) works: The Weight Loss Masters Club (Session 1) is a 3 month, 6 session, every other week coaching program that is guaranteed to get you on the path to success.  By the time you're done, you'll be feeling more confident about your ability to lose weight and keep it off (without dieting), feel more at peace and in control of your relationship with food and your life, know how to deal with obstacles and setbacks, feel nurtured instead of deprived, and be left feeling hungry for more.

With that in mind there will be another 3 month session, (Session 2), held afterwards so that you can integrate what you’ve learned, learn new material, and move deeper into the work.

Note: The Weight Loss Masters Club (Session 2) is starting March 12, on alternating Thursdays. You don't have to take the 3 month Sessions in order. You may want to check out Session 2 to see if the material interests suits your needs more. Session 1 teaches mindful eating, goal setting, and setting up a self-care routine. Session 2 goes much deeper into the emotional and spiritual causes of overeating and is much more focused on spirituality and emotional healing.

Both sessions will be offered again in the Fall.

To insure plenty of individualized attention, these groups are limited to only 12 participants so please book your spot early as they will fill up quickly. The last group sold out in 2 days.
To release weight permanently requires faith, faith there is a bigger life waiting for you beyond food and weight.
Take a leap of faith into a new life in 2015!