{Article} Practice Small Steps For Big Results

Published: Tue, 01/26/16

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Hi ,

Routine is a major force in our lives. Doing something the first time is hard, doing it the thousandth is mindless.
~ Scott H. Young

Most of what you do on a daily basis is out of habit and that includes overeating and other unwanted habits. You've practiced your bad habits so often, they're now automatic and effortless, or what I call your default behavior.

When changing your habits, you have to practice new behaviors until they become your new default. The key is daily practice. To encourage daily practice, in the beginning, keep goals small, sweet, and doable. Once you’ve gotten comfortable with them, you can add more later.

For example, a 10-15 minute walk every day is far better than an occasional half hour walk. A daily walk, no matter how short, starts to create the pattern in your brain that you're now a walker. You can build on that pattern.

You’re more likely to be consistent and successful if you begin with small steps. If it isn’t sustainable, you won’t be able to maintain the momentum. It’s also important to celebrate your small victories along the way. If you’re too focused on your long term goals, you’ll never feel like you’re doing enough and that kills motivation.
Real change happens slowly, it’s more of an unfolding, and you may not even notice it’s happening until you get a little further down the road and can look back and see how far you’ve come. Each day, you need to affirm your small efforts towards change. This is how you keep your motivation and momentum going.

Many people have a black and white view of exercise and habit change. If they can’t do a lot of it at once, like an hour at a gym or class, or make big sweeping changes, they don’t do it all.

You need to learn to see small chunks of time as opportunities to include exercise or other healthy activities into your day. Studies show it all adds up and the benefits are cumulative. Two 10 minute daily walks are just as good as a 20 minute walk.

Do you tell yourself you don't have any time for yourself? Here’s a list of healthy activities you can do for 5-10 mins. when you feel like emotional eating. They will also help you to de-stress and contribute to your overall well-being.
  1. Color in an adult coloring book.
  2. Deep breathing
  3. Stretching
  4. Going up and down the stairs.
  5. Dancing in your living room.
  6. Walking around the block.
  7. Pulling weeds, raking leaves, shoveling snow
  8. Meditation
  9. Journaling
  10. Visualization
  11. Repeating affirmations
  12. Organizing shelves, closet, etc.

What small, daily actions can I incorporate to change my health, my habits, and my world?          

P. S. If you feel you need some support, accountability, and encouragement to make changes, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

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