{Article} Is The Law of Attraction Keeping You Fat?

Published: Tue, 02/09/16

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Hi ,

If there's a single lesson that life teaches us, it's that wishing doesn't make it so.
― Lev Grossman, The Magicians

As many of you may know, I have written a short e-book on The Law of Attraction for Weight Loss. For those of you unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction, it is a universal principle that states “like attracts like.” Through the power of your thoughts, feelings, and energetic frequency, you have the ability to attract or manifest things that are on the same frequency.

I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. I have manifested many wonderful things in my life, But I also know, if I want anything in life, I can’t simple wish for it; I have to align my thoughts, feelings, and actions in order to receive it or make it happen.

I am also a lover of what is, also known as reality.  As a spiritual person, I have experienced different dimensions of reality. If you’re an experienced meditator, or highly intuitive or sensitive, I'm sure you have probably experienced these higher states of consciousness. 

That said, I also know the difference between fantasy and reality; wishful thinking and magical thinking, denial and lying to oneself, critical thinking and delusional thinking, belief and fact.

Over the past 6 months, I’ve been encountering many people who don’t seem to know the difference between fantasy and reality. Their main mode of operating seems to be “If I believe it that makes it so.” Surprisingly, many of these people have advanced degrees and hold high level positions and they can be found in all age groups.

They are fans of the Law of Attraction and they come to me wondering why the Law of Attraction, at least the way they’re practicing it, isn’t helping them to lose weight. They have heard through various LOA (Law of Attraction) gurus that if you believe food won’t make you fat, then it won’t. Or, if you just believe sugar isn’t harmful, it won’t affect you and you can eat all you want. Or if you just deny the fact that you’re fat and don’t look in the mirror, the weight will begin to drop away as you stop believing in it.

If you’re this gullible, I’ve got some amazing swampland to sell you in Florida.

I was raised one should never completely believe what any authority tells you until you run it past your own critical thinking skills or common sense, both of which seem in short supply these days.

When I counter with questions such as, “If you believe the world is flat will that change the fact it’s round?" Or, “If I believe I’m 20 again, will that change the fact that I was born 58 years ago?” These statements are met with dead silence. Usually these people will end the conversation saying I just don’t really get the Law of Attraction. Oh, but I do.

As Wayne Dyer put it so aptly, “The law of attraction is this: You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.”

When you are aligned with Source energy and in a state of allowing, God or Source will provide for you.

“Most people’s mistake in trying to apply the law of attraction is they want things; they demand things. But God doesn’t work that way,” continues Dyer. “It’s all about allowing.”

In other words, the more you embody Godly virtues in your life, God or The Universe will provide you with what you want and need.


Unfortunately, most people approach the Law of Attraction out of a sense of greed and selfishness which goes against spiritual principles. Books such as The Secret promote this attitude. Just think about being a millionaire and somehow a million bucks will materialize in your bank account.

My question is this: How's that workin' for you?

The Universe isn’t a vending machine. Giving and serving out of a sense of gratitude will put you in the flow of abundance quicker than anything I know.

Personally, I find it easy to manifest certain things, like these nifty Moroccan boots I found in Carmel on a shopping trip. They were hundreds of dollars and I wasn’t about to pay that for a pair of shoes I would wear once a year at most. I photographed them and a few weeks later, I found them in brand new condition, in my size, in a thrift store for $10. Now that’s LOA at work!

But when it comes to weight loss, it’s a whole different ball game. Your optimal weight isn’t something that you’re going to slip into like a new pair of shoes. Your body is a living being and as such is subject to the laws of nature, the law of cause and effect, and the law of gravity.

You mean there are other laws? Yes, indeed. Many LOA people act as if there is only one law in the Universe and unfortunately the Universe is far more complex than this.

Because your body is a living being, you need to engage in a process which includes not just a vision, but a plan and a strategy. You can’t just create a vision board, repeat some affirmations, and expect the fat to melt off. The magic begins to happen when intentions, thoughts, feelings, and actions align.

So, if you’re an LOA fan and you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, you might want to check your thinking. You can’t hope, deny, pray, or wish your way to weight loss. Ditch the fantasy.

Get real with yourself and create some goals and a plan of action to achieve those goals. As spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson says, “When you get serious about the Universe, the Universe gets serious about you.”

As you do your part, you will find yourself divinely supported and led throughout the process. The insights, lessons, and strength to overcome obstacles will be provided as long as you meet the Universe halfway. Reality is a wonderful thing when you come to know it, accept it, and work within it.

Wishes are wonderful, but making them come true…now that’s fabulous!

P. S. If you feel you need some support, accountability, encouragement, and a plan to make it happen, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

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