{Article} How You Eat Is How You Spend

Published: Tue, 01/12/16

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Hi ,

Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better.
― C. JoyBell C.

Are you overweight and also drowning in clutter and/or debt? Clutter, debt, and being overweight are all connected. People who are overweight often have poor impulse control and a need for instant gratification. As spending and collecting things escalates, clutter can easily get out of control. This can lead to being in debt, feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and depression. It can be hard to feel motivated or even think clearly when your life is overwhelmed by clutter.

One of the best things you can do to start the New Year right off right is to spend 10-15 minutes a day organizing and clearing away excess stuff. Donate what you don’t need to a charity or take it to a thrift store.  If you haven’t used something in over a year, it’s not likely you’re going to use it again.

Many of my clients tell me they have entire libraries of diet books, tapes, CDs, etc. They’ve had this stuff for years. They also torture themselves by having clothes in their closets they know they’re never going to fit into again. Every time they see this stuff it’s a painful reminder of past failures. If you see yourself in this, it’s time for a good purging or cleanse. Get rid of the past and start anew.

Spending and eating are both ways to feel better. Unfortunately, both of them have severe consequences. Obesity, clutter, and being in debt aren’t fun and make you feel far worse down the road.

The same techniques that work with food also work with spending money. I use to love to shop. Every time the urge to buy something came over me, I practiced pausing. I told myself that if I really wanted it, I could come back the next day for it. 9 times out of 10, I never went back the next day. Most of the time I’d completely forgotten about it and the urge was gone.

The same technique works for cravings. Distract yourself and wait until the urge passes. Most cravings will pass in 15-20 mins. Find something else to occupy yourself until then. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Get on the computer. You‘ll feel better about yourself and you’ll start to feel more in control.

Pausing is like a muscle; if you’re constantly giving in to your impulses, that muscle is very flabby. As you begin to practice pausing and riding out your urges to eat and spend, you begin to get better at it. It’s a learned skill that needs practice.

Food for Thought

Our relationship with food and money is a mirror of our relationship with all of life. It reflects our beliefs, attitudes, feelings, and deepest longings. How you do food is how you do money!

Are you happy with what you see in the mirror?

A clean and clear space is a reflection of a clear mind.

P. S. If you feel you need some support, accountability, and encouragement to make changes, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

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