{Article} The 2 Most Important Qualities for Weight Loss Success

Published: Tue, 01/19/16

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“I often look at my life and ask, “Well, here’s what I want, but am I willing to become the kind of person it will take?” If I’m too lazy, if I’m not willing to learn, read, study, and grow to become what I must become, then I cannot expect to attract what I want. Now, when faced with a choice, I must decide to either change myself or change my wants.”
― Jim Rohn, 7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness: Power Ideas from America's Foremost Business Philosopher

The late Jim Rohn was an American author, motivational speaker, and mentor to people like Tony Robbins. I consider him a mentor as well. Though I’ve never met the man, his writings have inspired me greatly. Jim had an amazing rags to riches story and he knew firsthand of the things he wrote about. I find so many of his quotes hit the nail right on the head when it comes to motivation, change, and successful weight loss.

Here’s another Jim Rohn gem:

“Whether we are working to improve our health, wealth, personal achievement, or professional enterprise, the difference between triumphant success or bitter failure lies in the degree of our commitment to seek out, study, and apply those half-dozen things.”

These two above quotes really sum up a lot of the difficulty of why people aren’t successful losing weight long term and/or overcoming emotional eating. It all boils down to having the willingness and patience to learn new skills and to be committed enough to consistently apply them in your life until they become second nature. Most people are looking for a quick fix and lose interest if they don’t see big results right away.

That’s why diets are so seductive.Unfortunately, when it comes to weight loss, looking for a quick fix or change usually leads to some quick change in someone else's pocket. The results never last.

People can spend most of their adult lives looking for the softer, easier way. If they had just spent some of that time working on their mindset and changing their lifestyle, they would already have what they are seeking. Unfortunately, dedication and sustained effort aren't sexy in this culture. Yet, the best things in life are things you have to work for and that includes permanent weight loss and overcoming emotional eating.

If you want real change, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable as you move past your comfort zone. If you can’t hang with discomfort, you’re not going anywhere. This is where grit and perseverance come in. Studies show these are the two essential qualities that make the difference between success and failure in any endeavor you may tackle in life.

So what is the difference between grit and perseverance?

According to Wikipedia, grit is defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” “It’s the ability to hang in there even through obstacles and setbacks. Individuals high in grit are able to maintain their determination and motivation over long periods despite experiences with failure and adversity. Their passion and commitment towards the long-term objective is the overriding factor that provides the stamina required to “stay the course” amid challenges and set-backs. Essentially, the grittier person is focused on winning the marathon, not the sprint.”

In other words, the person with grit is in it for the long haul and is a turtle rather than a hare. Remember, the turtle moves slow and steady and wins the race. The hare starts out fast and is left whimpering along the sidelines. Most dieters are hares.

As you do the work of change, whether it’s getting fit, overcoming overeating, or changing your lifestyle, you have to put in the time and practice and allow yourself to be in the learning curve. As you gain some mastery, it naturally becomes easier. Unfortunately, many people are just too impatient and quit too soon. Sadly they never get to experience it getting easier.They allow their frustration to be their master and the only thing they get really good at is quitting.

If you tend to be a quitter, I have a question for you:

 How badly do you really want it? Your desire must be strong enough desire to propel you forward, no matter how strong the obstacle or setback.

“When you know what you want and you want it badly enough, you’ll find a way to get it. The answers, methods, and solutions you need to solve the problems along the way will be revealed to you.”
—Jim Rohn

You can’t read, wish, or hope your way to weight loss. It’s in the actual doing that the answers and learning come. So if you’re stuck in analysis paralysis, it’s time to get into action. As you begin to do the work and sincerely seek answers from the Universe, the Universe brings you in alignment with what you need to know. This is the law of attraction at work. In other words, when you do your part, the Universe will meet you halfway; it’s a divine collaboration, not a one way street.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn

You become what you practice. If you want something different, you must be willing to practice something different. Not for a day, week, or a month, but until it becomes a habit. Only then, will you have a new supportive structure for a new you and a new life.

P. S. If you feel you need some support, accountability, and encouragement to make changes, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

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