Receive a Free Full Hour Coaching Session! ($150 value) Register by March 10th

Published: Sat, 03/05/16

Special Bonus!
Register before March 10th
and Receive a One Hour Private Coaching Session! 
($150 value)

Register for my How You do Food is How You Do Life Weight Loss and Emotional Eating Group Coaching Program by March 10th and receive a free full hour private coaching session with me. The group begins March 29th.

This private session will pinpoint where you're stuck and what you can do about it. You can also use it to help you personalize and move through the class material or use it after the course to help you create a personalized plan to move forward.

One of the things I hear from women all the time is that even though they are successful in most other areas of their lives, success with food and weight eludes them.  And this makes them feel like an utter failure.

A big part of the problem is that the same approach that has made them successful in other areas of their lives backfires when it comes to their approach to food and weight. The problem isn’t about lack of willpower or trying harder.

In fact, the more you try to control your food and try to whip yourself into submission, the more the whole thing backfires. And of course this leaves you feeling defeated and despairing, only to try to control and push yourself harder, which leads to right back to overeating, and then the whole self-defeating cycle repeats.

Women who do manage to lose weight through self-denial and self-loathing never keep it off for long because their minds and bodies are a battleground – and unfortunately the so called “enemy” (their body and appetite) usually wins.

To move beyond this cycle you have to take a different approach. One that is softer and kinder towards yourself. This isn’t about more willpower, dieting, and exercising more.  If you’re like most women, food and overeating is a misguided way to nurture yourself, a stress reliever, a friend, and a reward for all your hard work.

In order to put food in its rightful place – as a source of physical nourishment – you need to learn new ways of caring and nurturing yourself.  

This may seem like a radical idea but losing weight as an act of self-love and acceptance is the only way to achieve the lasting weight loss results you’re looking for. Why? Because your motivation is learning how to love and care for yourself.