{ Article} Wherever You Go There You Are

Published: Tue, 03/15/16

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​Hello ,

Wherever You Go, There You Are
~ Jon Kabat-Zinn

Years ago, during a dark time in my life, I was lamenting to myself that nothing ever seemed to work out for me. Then it hit me. I was the common denominator in all my problems. It didn’t matter what diet or self-help program I tried, or what relationship I was in, the results were always the same and it was never going to change unless I made some fundamental changes to my beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. 

Up until then, I had searched for and applied all sorts of temporary Band-Aids to a festering wound (myself), but was never willing to address the wound itself. When I realized that if I continued on this path, nothing would ever change for me, I became willing to face myself.

This was when everything in my life began to shift and change for the better. I was now willing to own my part in all my problems. It was scary but it was also liberating. It meant that since I was responsible for my happiness and I was the sole owner of my experiences, I could no longer play the victim, blame others, make excuses, procrastinate, or just coast through life thinking as soon as I found that magic diet, fix, or person, everything would change or be ok.

I was now the heroine of my own life. No one and nothing was coming to rescue me or fix me. And since I was creating and writing this story called My Life, I better make it a good one.

How about you?

Are you still looking for something or someone to fix it (whatever IT is) and make it all better? Do you get all excited about diets or programs and tell yourself, “This is the ONE! Do you find yourself quickly losing interest when you actually have to start to make fundamental changes to yourself and the way you’re living your life?

Do you become impatient and lose interest when you don’t see big changes right away?

People often want change without doing the real work of changing themselves. After years of coaching people, I have come to this conclusion. What separates the winners and the losers in the game of change isn’t how badly you want something; it’s how willing you are to take an honest look at yourself, get real, and change what needs to be changed from within. You must be willing to invest in yourself, and be willing to be uncomfortable with the process of change, while learning to be patient, kind, and compassionate with yourself as you learn, struggle, and grow beyond where you're currently at.

Real change means moving beyond your comfort zone and if you’re not willing to go beyond it, there can be no real growth and change. Yes, real change can be a bit scary or uncomfortable but it’s also exciting. You have to be willing to embrace an uncertain outcome and move into unknown territory.

Let’s face it. If you keep doing what you’ve been doing (dieting), and it hasn’t given you what you’ve wanted, it’s time to do something different.

I’d love to be your guide and mentor you as you let go of dieting and embrace a new way of losing weight and overcoming emotional eating through mindfulness, self-kindness, and self-care.

This is really a call to honor yourself. You deserve your own care, love, and attention. So much of overeating is really about self-neglect and self-abandonment.

You can’t neglect yourself and feed yourself scraps, and think you’re going to have a healthy, happy, and wonderful life.

If life is a banquet, then food is a side dish. Isn’t it time you learned how to set yourself a seat at the banquet table of life?

If you’re ready to stop feeding yourself scraps and learn how to embrace the whole banquet, I’d love for you to join me in my How You do Food is How You Do Life Weight Loss and Emotional Eating Program that begins March 29th.

There are still some spots available.

Or you can work one on one with me. I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

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