{Article} 5 Ways to Love Your Body Right Now

Published: Tue, 05/17/16

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Hi ,

It’s that time of year again when rising temperatures means showing a lot more skin and this often increases people’s insecurities about their bodies.  

What’s needed is a hefty dose of body love, not an easy thing to do in a world obsessed with thinness.

So how can you begin to love your body right now with its imperfections and less than ideal shape?

  • Cultivate joy in your body by finding ways to move your body that feel good to you. Swimming, walking, dancing, and stretching are enjoyable ways to move your body. Build strength in your body and instead of focusing on what’s wrong about your body begin to enjoy what it can do for you.

  • Shift your focus from seeing yourself as a body to seeing yourself as a spirit in a     body. You are not your body. Your body is the vehicle for your spirit.

  • Cultivate gratitude and respect for all your body does for you. When you start to engage in body bashing, change the channel. Immediately send it some love and appreciation by saying “Thank-you for serving me.” Repeat daily positive affirmations about your body until talking positive about your body becomes a habit.

  • Wear clothes that feel good on your skin and that are flattering, no matter what size you are. Get a cute haircut; get a make-over; wear nice accessories; or get your nails done. These little touches make you feel good about yourself and when you feel good, you carry yourself with pride and confidence.

  • Shift your focus from your flaws to what makes you fabulous and unique. Create a “What’s Good About Me” list. Review and add to it frequently. Build on your strengths. Don’t base your worth on a number on the scale or your appearance. The body is impermanent and in a constant state of change. Even if you manage to achieve a perfect looking body, it won’t last: the body gains weight, gets sick, old, flabby, decays, and eventually dies. You can’t win at this game.


Here’s something to ponder. Think back to a time when you were really happy. I’m not talking about happy with the way you looked but just plain old happy. Were you even focused on how you looked? If you were focused on the feelings of happiness inside you, probably not.

You don’t have to lose weight to feel that good. Start focusing on feeling good and you will feel more motivated to take better care of yourself. Weight loss is so much easier when you’re in a better frame of mind. As I often say, “When you feel better, you tend to eat better.”

Remember, real beauty is an inside job. It’s perfectly ok to want to look good, but don’t ever lose sight of the fact that who you are as a person, your relationships, the love you have for others, and the good you do in the world are far more important and will give you longer lasting satisfaction and self-esteem than looking good ever will.

Are you ready to lose weight, learn self-care, and create a life that nurtures you?

Contact me. I offer a free consultation. 


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Client Success Stories
Jen's Story 
When I first called Catherine, I was fairly convinced that I was beyond help and beyond hope for losing any weight. I’m 43 and have fought with food and my body since I was 8. Despite many lines in the sand, many programs and a lot of therapy, there seemed to be only one truth left in my mind: I am meant to be overweight and I am doomed to being a quitter.

Catherine was calm and accepting of everything I told her and I was relieved to hear her voice of compassion. We began talking about needs vs. wants and I was sure this topic would involve vegetables and vitamins. I was surprised to learn that she meant needs like: self-kindness, self-acceptance, regular meals, regular rest, learning to say “no”…to extra demands, not really to food.

She talked about pleasure and happiness and self-worth and I realized all of my past efforts with food centered around punishment and judgement, not health. For the first time in years, I am not gaining weight. I am not being mean to myself. I am learning real skills of self-care and dependability.

I am also losing weight. I won’t say it’s always easy work, but it’s always worth it and it’s always compassionate. Ridding myself of perfectionism and judgement has been an emotional weight loss and my body is following.  I am so grateful that Catherine could lead me on this journey.

~ Jen

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