{Article} Without This, You're Doomed!

Published: Tue, 05/24/16

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Hi ,

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.

― William Hutchison Murray

In this instant gratification society, commitment seems to have become a dirty word. The truth is nothing of great value can be achieved without it. As a coach, I see numerous people fail because they lack commitment, not only to doing the work of weight loss or emotional eating recovery but also a real lack of commitment to themselves and their own growth.

The funny thing is that many of these people think they’re very spiritual and growth oriented. They take lots of self-help courses, workshops, and read a lot of self-help books, but their learning remains in their heads and never moves into the realm of taking committed action towards themselves and/or their lives.

If you want to manifest a better life or weight loss, the first thing you need to manifest is a strong commitment.  When you have this, the powers that be, whether you call them God or the Universe, align with your actions and intentions to bring about the success you desire.

Commitment is what keeps you in the game when you hit an obstacle or suffer a setback. It’s what keeps you going even when you’re not all that motivated. It won’t let you give up.
Without commitment, you’re pretty much done as soon as you start to feel frustrated or as soon as your initial enthusiasm or excitement wears off.

So how do you get committed?



Commitment isn’t something anyone else can give you; it must come from deep within you. You must believe you deserve more. You must decide that you matter enough and are worthy of your care, time, and attention.

You must be willing to put in the time, effort, and sacrifice other things that may be in your way and aren’t aligned with what you say you want.


That’s another seemingly dirty word in this “I want to have it all and eat it all” society. Sacrifice means letting go of behaviors and things that aren’t in alignment with what you say you want. You have to let go and clear a space for the new to come in.  

So, if things haven’t worked out that well for you in the food and weight department, or any of your other goal oriented endeavors for that matter, the first question I would ask yourself is this, “Just how committed are you to your own growth, health, life goals, and success?”

Do your actions reflect that?

If not, you’re only dreaming.

This is an excerpt from my new Law of Attraction for Weight Loss Course coming in June!

Are you ready to lose weight, learn self-care, and create a life that nurtures you?

Contact me. I offer a free consultation. 


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Client Success Stories
Carolyn's Story
I am very grateful for the private coaching that I did with Catherine. She provided a safe place for me to share my experience. She coached and assisted me to take at look at my choices and what I was creating and provided tools that I could work with on my own between calls. She was always available through email, which was very useful. I have learned to trust myself and let go of my black and white thinking. I don't think about my food much anymore. I live life free of the chains of dieting. I love and nurture my body with ease.

I know what foods work best for me and choosing them is easy. It has been weeks now since my last binge and I can't comprehend ever going there again. The icing on the cake is the 10 lbs. my body has released over the past month as I let go of dieting. Catherine supported me as I did the work. It seemed so hard to wrap my head around at first, but I stuck with it and found that it really became easy.  If you want support that will get you out of the insanity of dieting and allow your body to heal, working with Catherine is for you.
~ Carolyn L.

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