{Article} How Boredom Breeds Compulsion and Overeating

Published: Tue, 06/28/16

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Hi ,

There is no weight so heavy as stagnancy.

 ― Ev Durán


I personally believe that a lot of the depression, obesity, and addiction that is so rampant in the world is caused by people refusing to fully engage with their own lives; they are bored and MIA (Missing in Action).

Stagnation and boredom breeds addiction and other compulsive behaviors. They become a substitute for a fulfilling and well lived life. It takes risk, time, courage, and effort to craft a meaningful life for yourself and it’s just so easy to relegate that to “the someday pile” and go eat, shop, watch TV, do Facebook, or engage in some other meaningless distraction. Any of these things may bring momentary pleasure, but as soon as they're over, you’re left hungry and something more.

As humans, we like and need our habits, routines, and creature comforts, but if we never venture forth in the unknown to have new experiences and learn new things, we stagnate and our cozy rut turns into a prison.

Many people get up, go to work, and sit and eat in front of a TV until they go to bed at night. Then they get up and do it all over again. This is the typical American life and why obesity is so rampant in our society. 


When was the last time you did something new and different? When was the last time you took on a new challenge or learned new skills that stretched you beyond your comfort zone?

Do you have any burning desires that propel you forward and get you excited about waking up and starting another day? Or do you feel like you’re just going through the motions?

Do you regularly set and review goals for yourself?

If not, it may be time to learn some new things and set some new goals for yourself.

Food and weight obsession can be a smokescreen for a lack of other consuming passions, goals, and interests in your life. Exciting goals energize you and provide you with strong motivation and a compelling focus.Once you shift your focus into a new area, you’d be amazed how the obsessive thoughts about food and weight begin to disappear.


If you’re feeling stagnant, the best thing you can do is to surround yourself with people who encourage your growth. We all need role models, teachers, and mentors. Find people who have what you desire and open your mind to their wisdom, ways of doing things, and their perspectives on life. 

When we're no longer learning and growing, we begin to die spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.  A closed mind is like a dusty, shut up old room that never gets any fresh air. Keep the windows of your mind open and let the breezes of new ideas freshen and illuminate your mind.

Summer is a great time to shake things up and cook up some new adventures for yourself. Take a class; take a trip somewhere new; explore a new hobby; or read some new books on a subject that interests you. You might even try taking a social media and/or internet break for a few days. As you move beyond your habitual ways of living and being, notice how you come alive and become re-energized about life.

Are you ready for a starring role in your own life? Learn the art of self-care and mindful eating, and create a life that nurtures you.

Contact me. I offer a free consultation. 

Still Time to Sign Up!

Successful Weight Loss is 75% Mental!

There is still time to sign up for this series. Sure, you missed the first call, but you can still get the recording, listen to it, and be on the next call which doesn't start until this Thursday. 

You don't even have to show for the calls.

You can just listen to the recordings!

This course will never be offered at this price again! 

So, if you're interested, sign up here. 

This is completely new and different material than my other "How You do Food is How You do Life" Program. That program is a mindfulness based training and teaches you how to develop a self-care routine. This program is strictly about mindset and the mental barriers to weight loss. 

In this new coaching call series, I am going to show you the common mental traps, attitudes, and beliefs that keep people from being successful at weight loss or any other life goal for that matter.  As a coach, these are the ones I come up against over and over again, and once people overcome these, weight loss or any other life goal can become fun and almost effortless!

This 3 month, twice monthly series will run start at 5:30 PST/8:30 EST and run until 6:00 pm PST/9:00 EST. It will start on Thursday, June 16th and run until August 25th.

If you can’t make the call, no problem! The call recording will be sent out the next day.

Some of the mindset topics we will cover are perfectionism, attitude, passivity, impatience, fear and anxiety, self-sabotage, black and white thinking, quitting, low self-esteem, entitlement, self-judgment and criticism, emotional immaturity, lack of motivation, avoidance, perseverance, deprivation vs. abundant thinking, living in the future vs. mindfulness, excuses, focus , lack of life purpose, commitment, and more.

The cost will be $74.95 for the 3 month series.

For more information and to sign up click here. 

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