Change One Thing to Get Big Results

Published: Tue, 07/26/16

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Hi ,

Do you get all fired up to make healthy changes only to overwhelm yourself by trying to change too many things at once?

Trying to change too many things at once is a setup for failure. You begin to quickly feel overwhelmed, discouraged, and then quit.

Lifestyle change is hard and it requires extra diligence and effort in the beginning. Over time, with repeated practice, the behavior becomes easier and eventually becomes automatic just like your current habits are now.

Because of the extra effort needed at the beginning, when you try to make too many changes at once, it’s really easy to lose focus and fall back into your old default behavior.

So, instead of trying to change too many things at once, why not go for changing just one thing?

Numerous studies show that people who focus on one thing and make a concrete plan on how they’re going to implement that behavior, meaning: what, where, when, how, are 2 to 3 times more successful than those who don’t.


When working with my clients, I give them something called a Daily Intention Form. This form has an area for what you’re going to do for your health each day.

Part of the form looks like this:

What one thing (or more) can I do for myself to further my health goals today?

Example: I am going to walk daily, eat more vegetables, practice eating one meal mindfully, etc.

How Many: __________________________________________________________

On a scale of 1-10 (1 not confident-10 very confident) how confident am I that I can achieve my goals today?

Are my goals realistic and doable?


Imagine for a moment, if you changed one thing, like eating more mindfully, and practiced it consistently for an entire year, how different your life would be.

Once you integrate one change, then you can add another. It usually takes 2 to 3 months for a new behavior to become really comfortable and automatic. When that happens, add another change.

Attempting change this way will help ensure your success. When you see that you can do one thing successfully, you will feel more inspired, confident, and motivated to continue moving forward.

There's nothing like a little success to fuel more success!

Are you ready to overcome emotional overeating and implement long lasting changes that lead to permanent weight loss? ​​​​​​​

Contact me. I offer a free consultation.