Are Your Friends Making You Fat?

Published: Tue, 08/30/16

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Hi ,

Labor Day Weekend is upon us and many of us will be spending time eating, drinking, and socializing in the company of our friends. Numerous studies show that your friends have the greatest ability to negatively impact your weight, even more so than a spouse.

A study by researchers Christakis & Fowler, published in 2007, followed 12,067 subjects for over 32 years and found that a person’s chances of becoming obese increased by 57% if a friend became obese. Among married couples, the spouse was 37% more likely to become obese if their partner became obese.

We often underestimate the power of peer pressure. Many of my clients tell me that they feel they need to overeat in order to fit in with other friends. Scientists call this phenomenon "social contagion." I call it “monkey see, monkey do.”

We tend to mimic the behavior of others and if they’re engaging in overeating, we certainly don’t want to feel left out or be the odd man out. We also gravitate to people who are like us, so if we have food and weight issues, our friends often do too.

Problems can arise when we decide we’re going to make some changes for the better. Friendships can become strained when one person is committed to a healthy lifestyle and another friend isn’t. In fact, the friendship may revolve around going out and overeating together.

Changing this dynamic can threaten the relationship.

 I’ve had many clients tell me they’ve had friends who have actively tried to sabotage them by encouraging unhealthy eating behavior or trying to push food on them by bringing them chocolates, baked goods, etc.

Have you ever experienced a friend’s jealousy after losing a lot of weight?

That can be very devastating. Many women tell me they’re afraid to lose weight for fear that they may lose women friends.

Do your friendships support your health?

Lack of peer support is one of the biggest reasons people fail at weight loss. It may be time to evaluate certain friendships or change the manner in which you interact.

If your friendships center around eating, switch to going for walks or meet for coffee. You could also go to a movie, museum, or art gallery. Go sightseeing. Take in a play. Plan outings that don’t revolve around eating out.

You might also want to join a walking club or group, a gym, or take exercise classes where you will meet like-minded people who can support you in your new lifestyle.

Trying to go it alone is never a good idea.

For that reason, I have started my new How You do Food is How You do Life Community.

It’s free to join and there you will meet people like yourself who are trying to get healthy and lose weight without dieting.

I hope you will join us!

You can join here.

Wishing you a happy and healthy Labor Day!


 P. S. If you'd like some individual support that only a good coach can supply, I'd love to be of assistance. Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

Ready to Make Peace with Food?

My How You do Food is How You do Life Group Program Starts on Sept 15th!

Special Bonus: The First 6 People to Sign up Will Receive a Full One Hour Private Coaching Session with Me. A $175 value! 

Do you long to break free of the diet hamster wheel and learn how to eat and lose weight in a way that's sustainable for life?

Are you ready to release the blocks that are keeping you stuck and transform your thinking patterns around food in order to break free of emotional eating?

My How You do Food is How You do Life Group Program is starting on Sept 15th.

For more information and to sign up click here.