Do You Equate Food With Happiness?

Published: Tue, 08/09/16

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Hi ,

Happiness supports enthusiasm and empowers creativity and initiative. Happiness makes you a better person in your private, family, and work spheres. Happiness keeps you healthy and lets you stick to your plans. Cultivate happiness as the most precious flower in your garden.

~ Rossana Condoleo

Do you equate food with happiness? Maybe it's time to redefine what happiness is to you.

Overeating may bring temporary happiness but how does it leave you feeling later?

I’m betting the answer is not too happy.

Many of us equate happiness with food because we use food as a source of comfort, a way to distract ourselves and fill time, and as a way to reward ourselves.

It may start out by making us happy but it soon causes us much pain in the form of obesity, low self-esteem, and holding us back from life. Any happiness that we think we're getting from it comes at too great a cost.

True happiness is a feeling of peace and acceptance in the present moment. It comes when you are being your true self and living fully in the present moment.



A lot of people view happiness as something they only get to enjoy on the week-ends, or on vacation. They feel their daily lives are a grind and they get through them by fortifying themselves with food, TV, and other fleeting pleasures.  

Emotional eating is often used as an escape from reality. It’s a resistance to feeling and accepting what is going on in the present moment.

To break the association between happiness and emotional eating you need to be committed to being present to and dealing with your emotions as they come up for you. 

One of the ways to do this is to pause and take time out to reflect. If you feel like eating because you're stressed or unhappy, find other ways to relieve your stress. Go for a walk; do some deep breathing; talk to a friend; or write in a journal.

If you're needing pleasure, find other activities that bring you pleasure. 

It will take time and practice, but after awhile, emotional eating will no longer be your first response to the demands of life. 

Are you ready to make peace with food? I'd love to help you. I offer a free consultation. Contact me!

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