Have You Made The Scale Your Master?

Published: Tue, 09/27/16

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Hi ,

Have you made the scale your master? Do you give it the power to judge your worth and if you should be happy or not? If so, it’s time to toss that thing out! 

Many people start their day by getting on the scale. This little ritual has the ability to make or break our day. When it gives us what we want, we feel empowered and good about ourselves. When it gives us an unfavorable number, we become full of shame and despair and feel that the rest of our day, week, or even month has been ruined. This often drives us to food and/or a diet seeking relief.

How can such a small device have such a powerful hold on us?

In truth, it doesn’t. It only has that power because we give our power to it. It’s time to stop giving away our power and judging our worth as people on externals.

Our worth is not dependent on a number on a scale, what we do, how we look, or what we have. There is nothing we need to prove or do in order to become worthy. We are worthy simply because we exist; we’re human, and children of God.

Some of us are certain that losing weight will give us a sense of self-worth that has been missing in our lives. And that may be true temporarily; but if we feel flawed and inadequate at our core, losing weight will not change our feelings about ourselves.

It’s like getting a shiny new car -- once the novelty wears off, we are simply left with a smaller version of ourselves -- with the same old insecurities and personal baggage we had before. If this is the case, we have deeper work to do.

We can pray and ask our Higher Power to reveal to us who we are. We can ask to be shown what our life purpose is. Each of us has been given certain talents and abilities.

Daily, we can make it a point to affirm what is good and right about us.

We can write out a list of all our strengths, talents, and abilities. As we use these to serve and share our love and gifts with others, we begin to discover our true worth and purpose.

As human beings, our greatest possession and purpose will always be our ability to give and receive love. This is what makes our life’s journey truly worthwhile. And that worth will never be dependent upon a number on a scale.

Am I still defining myself by numbers on a scale?

Do I feel a need to prove my worth to others?  Why?

Are you ready to drop the scales of injustice and learn a new freedom around food and weight?

How you do food is how you do life! ®

Contact me for a free consultation. ​​​​​​​

Client Success Stories

Not Your Typical Health Giveaway

Are you ready to get off the dieting rollercoaster for good? What if I said there’s an online event that is giving away products and services that are solely focused on health, wellness and nutrition without:

  • Dieting gimmicks
  • Fasting and cleanses
  • Impossible exercise regimens

My colleague Bonnie R. Giller has gathered 32+ generous expert contributors, including me, by private invitation ONLY to give away a ton of products, programs and services…

And these things, which you would normally pay good money for, is all being offered free of charge in the Love Yourself Love Your Body 2nd Annual Giveaway Event!

Sounds amazing right?!!

Register here

If you've been searching for an opportunity to be guided, educated and supported to overcome what has been holding you back from being the best and happiest version of you…

Then here is your free invitation to do just that:

Register here

Remember: There is no catch. No obligation. No cost.

This is simply a gift. One that brings with it tons of support, education and help.

‘See’ you in there!

 P. S. If you'd like some individual support that only a good coach can supply, I'd love to be of assistance. Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

Join My New Diet Free Community!

Let's face it, it's hard to stay motivated and focused. That's why I created my new How You do Food is How You do Life Facebook Community. 

It's there to give you daily support and motivation, and to give you the daily reminders you need to keep you focused. 

It’s free to join and there you will meet people like yourself who are trying to get healthy and lose weight without dieting.

I hope you will join us!

You can join here.