Do Your Moods Control Your Eating?

Published: Tue, 10/04/16

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Hi ,

The heart loves, but moods have no loyalty. Moods should be heard but never danced to.
  —Hugh Prather

How many times have you not exercised or not eaten well because you weren’t in the mood? Moods are fickle creatures, they soon pass. If you dance to their tune and base your decisions on them, they often leave damage in their wake.

To overcome emotional overeating, you need to learn not to give into and overeat because of your moods. You can acknowledge them and then go about the business of living. If you give in to every whim and mood, you won’t have much to show for your efforts.

If you’re facing a task (like exercise) that you’d rather not do, a good strategy is to tell yourself you’re going to do it for 10 minutes. That will get you started and after that time, you will feel more motivated to continue and you will probably do more than 10 minutes. 

As far as feelings go, many people expect to feel positive all the time. Some even feel guilty for having negative feelings. Some people think they’re not spiritual for having such feelings. It’s important to accept, acknowledge, and honor all your feelings, even the negative ones, for this is part of being human, but there is a point where continually indulging negative or dour moods often does more harm than good, as it often leads to out of control eating and other forms of acting out.

If you’re in a bad mood, you can call a friend, pray, meditate, listen to music, sing or chant, write in a journal, or go for walk. Any of these can quickly shift you out of a bad mood.

The same goes for good moods. Many of us have used feeling happy as an excuse to overeat. There will always be birthdays, holidays, vacations, and reasons to celebrate. If you want to lose weight, you are going to have to find a way to deal with this. Otherwise, you will find yourself overindulging at every celebration. And really, isn’t every day a reason to celebrate?

As you learn to manage your moods, you feel more empowered and in control of your emotional world. You realize you don’t have to be a victim of your moods any longer. Life will always dole out ups and downs but it is your choice as to how you handle and react to them.

Instead of using your feelings as an excuse to overeat, you can choose to eat mindfully no matter what mood is currently dancing through your life.

I acknowledge my moods but I don’t have to make decisions based on them. ​​​​​​​

In vibrant health, 

 P. S. If you'd like some individual support that only a good coach can supply, I'd love to be of assistance. Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

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