It's All About Energy!

Published: Tue, 09/20/16

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Hi ,

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.
~Henry David Thoreau

Overcoming emotional eating and losing weight requires an understanding of your energy cycles. Many people expect themselves to operate at a peak performance level on a daily basis, as if they're machines or robots. When this doesn’t happen, they view it as a bad or wasted day. This is completely unrealistic.

We are part of nature, and like everything else in nature, our body runs on energy cycles. This means that each of us has a unique energy rhythm that sometimes fluctuates due to work, the seasons, hormones, exercise, diet, illness, and other things that expend or demand our energy.

We often turn to overeating, especially sugar and chocolate, as a way to energize ourselves. We may initially get a temporary energy high from overeating, but in the long run, it leaves us lethargic.  And the more overweight we become, the less energy we have to devote to life.

To function optimally, we need to allow for periods of rest and relaxation. As a coach, I often run into people who won’t allow themselves much downtime. They feel guilty about taking the time out, or they feel that it’s a complete waste of time, yet they’re suffering from burnout, turning to food and caffeine to cope, and they’ve often begun to have health problems as a result.  

As a business owner, I understand this, as I often have to work long hours, and because of that, I sometimes experience periods where I lose my sense of enthusiasm and I’m just plain tired.  I’ve learned that it’s essential for me to lay low for a while after I go through a period of working intensely. This brings my life and my energy back into balance.

I’ve learned that downtime is actually an active time because that’s when my battery is being recharged. My best creative ideas and solutions come to me when I step away from all my work activity, and inspiration often strikes during a walk or just lying on the couch doing nothing.

After a day or two of "doing nothing," I notice my zest for living returns and I come back to my work refreshed and ready to tackle problems that seemed overwhelming just a few days before.

How to Tune into Your Energy Cycles

  • Check-in with yourself frequently during the day.
  • Notice the time of day you feel most energetic.
  • Try to plan your most demanding tasks during your peak energy times.
  • Notice what foods, people, and experiences drain your energy.
  • Notice what types of food, people, and experiences energize you.
  • Notice what seasons give you the most energy.
  • Devote time to replenishing yourself each day.
  • Eliminate things that don’t support your aliveness.

What are the biggest energy drainers in your life?
What or where can you cutback or eliminate?

Devote time on the week-ends to recharge. Don’t spend all your time running from one task or activity to the next. Spend some time on things that relax you, enliven you, and bring you a sense of joy.

Question to Ponder

Fat on the body is simply stored energy. You've got it. Now, what are going to do with that energy?

Today, I become mindful of what gives me energy and what drains my energy.

I release things that sap my energy and no longer serve me.

Not Your Typical Health Giveaway

Are you ready to get off the dieting rollercoaster for good? What if I said there’s an online event that is giving away products and services that are solely focused on health, wellness and nutrition without:

  • Dieting gimmicks
  • Fasting and cleanses
  • Impossible exercise regimens

My colleague Bonnie R. Giller has gathered 32+ generous expert contributors, including me, by private invitation ONLY to give away a ton of products, programs and services…

And these things, which you would normally pay good money for, is all being offered free of charge in the Love Yourself Love Your Body 2nd Annual Giveaway Event!

Sounds amazing right?!!

Register here

If you've been searching for an opportunity to be guided, educated and supported to overcome what has been holding you back from being the best and happiest version of you…

Then here is your free invitation to do just that:

Register here

Remember: There is no catch. No obligation. No cost.

This is simply a gift. One that brings with it tons of support, education and help.

‘See’ you in there!

 P. S. If you'd like some individual support that only a good coach can supply, I'd love to be of assistance. Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

Join My New Diet Free Community!

Let's face it, it's hard to stay motivated and focused. That's why I created my new How You do Food is How You do Life Facebook Community. 

It's there to give you daily support and motivation, and to give you the daily reminders you need to keep you focused. 

It’s free to join and there you will meet people like yourself who are trying to get healthy and lose weight without dieting.

I hope you will join us!

You can join here.