Weight Loss as a Path to Wholeness

Published: Tue, 11/01/16

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Hi ,

The most adventurous journey to embark on; is the journey to yourself, the most exciting thing to discover; is who you really are, the most treasured pieces that you can find; are all the pieces of you, the most special portrait you can recognize; is the portrait of your soul.
― C. JoyBell C.

All humans have a desire for self-actualization – the need to actualize and fulfill one’s potential.  This often shows up as a desire to be and become more than who we currently are. If we don’t take active steps in this direction, we are often plagued by a sense of dissatisfaction, emptiness or sense that’s something’s missing. Often underneath the desire to lose weight and/or get healthy, is the desire to self-actualize and become whole.

We become whole by tenderly patching the discarded parts of ourselves into the loving quilt of self-acceptance. Wholeness requires embracing our full humanness – our weaknesses, strengths, full range of feelings, our darkness, as well as our light.

Many people practice spirituality lite – meaning they only want to feel good or embrace what’s good about them. Unfortunately, this only creates a divided sense of self.


A whole self is a mixture of light and dark. When you avoid or repress parts of yourself, you create weakness and imbalance. This often leads to acting out.

Much of emotional eating is an avoidance of self. ​​​​​​​Why? If we had to face the truth about ourselves, we may have to change. Or, we don't want to face our dark parts: our greed and selfishness, our pain, fears and ego, or what we see as weakness. The only way to change these things is to face them with awareness, love, and compassion. Then, they begin to soften and transform.

Real transformation isn’t bliss. It takes courage to get down and dirty in the muck of our own darkness to find the real nuggets of gold. This means being willing to face ourselves with total honesty.  It means owning up to all the ways we block our light and growth.

People are often loathe to admit to their own faults and weaknesses. They falsely think this will make them an inferior or a bad person. This is a lie. There are no perfect people and perfection is an unobtainable goal. As long as we’re alive, we will be works in progress – we and our lives will never be a finished product. When we can let go of our false aspirations and expectations of ourselves, we can relax into who we really are and learn to enjoy the journey one day at a time.

Today, I take an honest inventory about the ways I hide my own light. I list the character traits, attitudes, fears, excuses, and other feelings and habits that are keeping me from being my true and best self. A true weight loss transformation becomes possible when I am fully honest about who I am and where I’m at.

I must get real and face the darkness in myself in order to bring myself into the lite.



Catherine L. Taylor

 P. S. If you're ready to make peace with food and lose weight without dieting, I'd love to help you. Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

Special Offer!
Get a Full Year of Coaching  ($2400 value)
for the Price of a 4 Month Package!

I am looking for 2 special people who are interested in a full year of coaching for the price of a 4 month coaching package!

This offer is only good for people who have never worked with me before. I'm looking for 2 people who need long-term coaching because of long standing emotional eating issues and are needing to lose quite a bit of weight. 

What you will receive:

For the first 3 months you will receive weekly half hour coaching calls with me over the phone or over skype video. After each session, you will be given assignments to practice between our sessions. Between calls, you will have full email support with me. 

After the first 3 months,and for the remainder of the year,  you will receive weekly email check-ins and a monthly coaching call lasting 30 minutes. 

The price for this is $895. The regular price of a full year of coaching is $2400. 

You must go through an interview process to see if you're a good candidate for this offer.

If you pay upfront, you can start after the holidays.

For more information Contact me for an interview.