Is Impatience Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Success?

Published: Tue, 11/08/16

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Hi ,

What good has impatience ever brought? It has only served as the mother of mistakes and the father of irritation.
― Steve Maraboli

We live in an instant gratification society and unfortunately, letting go of dieting and practicing mindful eating is not a quick process. One of the greatest frustrations I experience as a coach is seeing someone get impatient and quit before they’ve fully given mindful eating a chance.

Many people want to see big changes very quickly. Most have been long entrenched in a dieting mindset or bad habits for years and adopting a new mindset or lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight. Of course, I explain this to them at the very beginning but when people come up against their impatience and resistance to change, the latter sometimes wins.
Inner change often comes slowly. It’s really more of a gradual releasing of old patterns and an organic unfolding of a new way of being. It has its own rhythm and timing. It’s not something that can be hurried along and forced.
Real change requires surrender: you must surrender to the process and allow time and room for things to happen.

Change is often subtle at first. Often, people are so used to focusing on everything that’s wrong that they can’t even see what they’re doing right. Someone may think they’re failing because they’re still bingeing and not even notice that they reduced their bingeing from every day to once a week.


Sometimes things get worse before they get better. I can’t tell you how many times someone has called me and said, “This was a horrible week. I’m doing really badly.”

Then, after finding out what’s been happening with them, I conclude they’ve actually had a great learning experience and are in the midst of a big breakthrough. Often, through their difficulty, they have discovered what has really been behind their emotional eating.  Real change often comes from chaos; it’s not all tied up neatly in a pretty bow. Our pain, struggles, and biggest blunders bring our greatest learnings.

Letting go of dieting, changing your lifestyle, and adopting a mindful eating practice requires a commitment to long-term change. Your brain may come up with many reasons why you should run back to the nearest diet, but you have to get real with yourself. Have any of those diets given you what you’ve wanted?

Sure, you may have lost some weight at first, but eventually, you’re right back where you’ve started or even heavier.  Many people who come to me have spent the majority of their lives in a losing dieting battle.

If you’re the impatient sort, you need to ask yourself, “How much more time are you willing to invest in a losing game?”

Time waits for no one.

Where will you be in 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years down the road if you keep on the way you’ve been going?

Though we don’t like to think about it, there are always consequences to our actions or lack of actions.

The sad thing about time is it can never be recovered. 

The antidote to impatience is acceptance and staying in the moment. Impatience is caused by wanting things to be different than they are. “I want this weight gone by tomorrow” or “This has to happen a certain way.”

If you can let go of your expectations and need to control, you can flow along with the process and after a slow beginning, you will build momentum and things can start to move along pretty quickly.  


Catherine L. Taylor

 P. S. If you're ready to make peace with food, I'd love to be your guide. How you do food is how you do life!
 Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

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