A New Year and a New Beginning

Published: Tue, 01/03/17

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Hello ,

A new year is upon us and many of us are filled with a sense of hope that the year will be different than the last. This week is a perfect time to spend some time in reflection looking back at this past year and noting how you would like the coming year to be different.
Are you where you want to be, especially with your goals around food and weight?

What do you need to do differently in 2017?

Before you can change, you need to take a good look at what's getting in your way.

Are you setting unrealistic goals? Are you unmotivated? Why?

Are your goals not exciting enough? Or, do you lack confidence to achieve the goals you set?

Do you scatter your efforts and lose focus quickly?

Are you wanting it to be quick and easy and when it’s not quit?

Or, are you trying to change too many things at once, get overwhelmed, only to quit in frustration after a few weeks?

Do you expect yourself to do everything perfectly, get frustrated when you don't, and then quit?


Goal setting isn’t a onetime thing as in “I want to lose 50 lbs.,” but something that needs continual adjusting along the way. It’s all about baby steps and daily actions. Instead of starting with a big burst of enthusiasm and quitting after it leaves you, aim to make small, manageable tweaks to your daily routine. Allow yourself to get comfortable with these and then add more.

All success can be broken down into manageable steps. And unless you quit trying, failure isn’t final; it’s simply feedback on the journey that tells you where you need to make adjustments. Continually review your progress and adjust your course when you need to. Allow plenty of room for setbacks, obstacles, and adjusting to a new routine. 

What's your relationship with failure and making mistakes?

People who can’t handle making mistakes or failing often don’t get to reap the rewards of success. They’re too afraid to take risks and try new things that allow them to grow and change. The best thing you can do is to allow yourself to fail forward towards the success you seek.

If just reading this makes you uncomfortable, you’re probably in need of reframing your relationship with risk, failure, and making mistakes.

What risks do you need to take in order to move forward this year?

Remember the turtle? The only way it can move forward is to stick its neck out.

Taking risks is the difference between a juicy life and a dull life spent going through the motions.

You don’t have to take big risks.

Start small; grow your courage; be patient; and soon you will blossom.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!


P. S. If you feel you need some support, accountability, and encouragement to make changes, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

Last Chance to Get $100 Off My Coaching Program!
​​​​​​​$297 Price Starts Wednesday!

My How You do Food is How You do Life - Weight Loss and Emotional Eating Group Coaching Program is starting on January 12, 2017. If you can’t seem to lick your emotional eating habit on your own, and want to learn a non-diet, mindfulness based approach to weight loss, then this group is for you. You’ll learn strategies and tools that will set you up for success in 2016 and beyond.

The How You do Food is How You do Life Group Coaching Program (formerly known as The Weight Loss Masters Club) is a 3 month, 6 session, every other week, mindfulness-based, non-diet weight loss and emotional eating coaching program that is guaranteed to get you on the path to success. By the time you’re done, you’ll be feeling more confident about your ability to lose weight and keep it off (without dieting), feel more at peace and in control of your relationship with food and your life, know how to deal with obstacles and setbacks, and feel nurtured instead of deprived.

To read more about the program and to sign up click here.

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Many of my readers love my affirmations. I post them daily on Facebook and twitter. Unfortunately, the way Facebook works these days, most people don't see very many of my posts. By joining my group, you will be notified every time I post and won't miss any of my daily affirmations.

​​​​​​​I hope you will join me! 

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© Copyright 2017. Catherine L. Taylor. All rights reserved.

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