What Love Has To Do With Losing Weight and Overcoming Overeating

Published: Tue, 02/14/17

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Hi ,


Since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be appropriate to touch upon which I see as the core of the work I do. Though we associate Valentine’s Day with romantic love, I see it as a day about all forms of love including self-love and without self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion for yourself, it’s virtually impossible to recover from binge eating, emotional eating, and/or lose weight permanently.


Because in order to be successful at weight loss or recover from emotional eating, you need to be compassionate, loving, and accepting of yourself as you struggle through the process of making long term changes. These changes are challenging and involve numerous relapses, bad days, and setbacks as a natural part of the learning curve. If you’re harsh and critical with yourself, it’s just too easy to quit or get real down on yourself which leads you right back to the food.

Today on my Facebook page, someone asked me what the difference was between self-acceptance, self-love, and self-compassion. I thought this was an excellent question and so I’ve included the definitions below.


“According to Shepard (1979), self-acceptance is an individual's satisfaction or happiness with oneself, and is thought to be necessary for good mental health. Self-acceptance involves self-understanding, a realistic, albeit subjective, awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses.”

~ Wikipedia

If you’re too focused on your weaknesses, you can’t see what you’re doing right. You will feel like a failure, no matter how well you’re doing. You also won’t be able to acknowledge the little victories that will lead you to your larger success.

If you only focus on your strengths, your weaknesses can bring about your failure as you won’t be able to see how they’re affecting you and you won’t make the necessary adjustments when called for. So, if you don’t acknowledge them, your weaknesses can actually sabotage your success. You can feel overconfident and may become complacent which can bring about your failure.​​​​​​​


“Self-love is the belief you hold that you are a valuable and worthy person.”

“An example of self-love is when you have a positive view of yourself and are confident in yourself and your place in the world.”

~ Dictionary.com

If you have no self-love, if you make a mistake or experience failure, you will see this as evidence that you’re unworthy as a person. People who have no self-love often feel they have to look perfect and be perfect to make up for their lack of self-worth. They often believe that being thin will bring them the love and acceptance they are looking for.


“Self-compassion is extending compassion to one's self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering. Kristin Neff has defined self-compassion as being composed of three main components – self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.”


Being gentle and compassionate with yourself allows you to move beyond your comfort zone, explore new territory, and be kind to yourself as you try to learn new habits and create lifestyle changes. Without it, you will begin to be harsh, critical, and judgmental of yourself which usually leads to quitting or overeating episodes.

I hope this sheds some light on these different qualities and why they’re important.

Do you feel you have these qualities?

Do you have an accurate picture of yourself with your strengths and weaknesses?

Can you allow yourself the space to fail and make mistakes as you try to make changes and explore new things that are beyond your comfort zone?

Are you critical and fault-finding with yourself? Or can you accept that you’re human with your faults and weaknesses like everyone else?

Can you see how this has hindered you in making progress towards losing weight and/or overcoming overeating?

If you’d like some help moving beyond these things, I’d love to help you move into a more loving and accepting place with yourself as you change your relationship with your food, body, and your life. How you do food is how you do life!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In vibrant health, 

 P. S. If you're ready to let go of dieting and emotional eating, I'd love to be of assistance. Contact me. I offer a free consultation!

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