Relaxing Into Weight Loss

Published: Tue, 05/02/17

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Hi ,

To release weight permanently requires faith. Faith there is a bigger life waiting for you beyond food and weight.

~ Catherine L. Taylor

In my coaching practice and the groups that I run, something I witness over and over again is that when women stop trying to control their food and bodies and relax into the present moment, magic begins to happen. They actually begin to lose weight when they stop trying to force things to happen.

Successful weight loss requires flexibility, surrender to the process, acceptance, and above all faith and trust. Trying to force the process and outcome creates struggle and frustration. Acceptance and trust puts you in a place of allowing and receptivity.

Relaxing into your life, into this very moment, requires trust - trust that everything is happening as it should be. Life is unfolding according to a higher plan and at its own pace.

You become impatient when you think life should happen the way you want it to happen, and according to your timetable. The Universe often works at a difference pace than you do, therefore, patience is required. You need to trust that when the timing is right and when you’re ready, you will receive what you want and need.

All you need to do is show up each day, do what you can and let the rest go. Some days you can work at a very high level and other days, success is just making it through the day. Don't judge today by yesterday's yardstick. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to learn to recognize and work with your own rhythms and energy levels.

Your energy waxes and wanes. Learn what your peak energy seasons and times are and make the most of them. One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is that they expect themselves to perform at an optimal level all the time. You’re a human being not a robot. Schedule your high energy tasks during the time of day you’re most energetic.
Accept the fact you won’t always feel motivated. That doesn’t mean you have to completely throw in the towel and use it as an excuse to overeat. It just means you do less until your energy and motivation return again. These ebb times are great for learning maintenance and to integrate what you have already learned and/or accomplished.

In today’s world people are so overbooked.  Stress and busyness lead to emotional eating and making poor food choices. Learn to let go of activities that aren’t soul satisfying or nurturing. It may be time to watch less TV, do less socializing, or trim your Facebook or internet time, so that you can engage in more satisfying self-care activates, such as exercise and meditation.

What behaviors and activities can I let go of or do less of so that I have more time for rest, relaxation, and self-care?

P. S. If you feel you need some support, accountability, encouragement, and a plan to make it happen, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

To read more client testimonials and success stories click here.

For Coaching Information click here. 


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