Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail!

Published: Tue, 04/11/17

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Hi ,

People who overeat are often resistant to establishing routines and structure in their lives. This may be especially apparent around food. We may fail to create a healthy food plan for ourselves. Veering from our food plan or not having one and engaging in spontaneous eating often leads to overeating.

We may also fail to shop and keep our refrigerator, freezer and pantry stocked with healthy choices. This results in choosing whatever is convenient or resorting to fast food choices. We might also resist establishing a regular routine of exercise.

Following a plan or routine allows us to stay on track, achieve our goals, and find freedom from food obsession. Without one, we are easily thrown off course.

A food plan is not a diet. It means having at least five meals that we know how to prepare for ourselves and that we keep the ingredients for stocked in our fridge, pantry and freezer. We can print out a shopping list for these meals and shop once a week. That way we always have healthy food in our house.


We can keep our freezer stocked with chicken breasts, chops, fish fillets, and other items that can be defrosted quickly so that we can prepare meals easily. We can also pack and bring a lunch to work so that we will eat better and be less tempted to make poor choices at work.

Having a plan is not antithetical to the concept of mindful eating. We can plan meals and still eat mindfully. We can ask ourselves in the morning what we are in the mood to have for dinner that night and leave that item out to defrost. Most of us have to work and feed families, therefore, we need to plan and have food available when we get home.

We can’t just eat what we feel like in the moment all the time; it isn't practical for most of us. We need a structure for our lives to run smoothly. We don’t have to rigidly follow the plan; we can pull something out to eat in the morning, but if it’s not what we want later, we can choose differently, but at least we have a plan in place.

We cannot be successful in this area of our life without creating a structure for it to happen. Success won’t just appear one day. We have to lay a foundation that will guarantee our success. That means creating successful plans or routines for managing our daily emotional/mental, spiritual, and physical needs. If we shortchange ourselves in any of these areas, we create an imbalance and we are easily thrown off kilter. 

There is another way. In my group coaching program that starts April 13th, I teach you how to create a structure for your success to happen. Information is great but if you can't implement what you know, it remains stuck in your head.


For more information and to sign up for my group coaching program starting on April 13, click here.

P. S. If you feel you need some support, accountability, encouragement, and a plan to make it happen, I offer a free consultation. Contact Me! How you do food is how you do life! ®

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